
Soil: Meaning, Features & Soil Profile

Soils are the complex, dynamic layers of rock debris and organic material that develop on the Earth's surface..

Koeppen’s Climate Classification: Meaning, Symbols, Types & More

Koeppen's Climate Classification is a system that categorises global climates based on monthly temperature and precipitation patterns..
Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO)

Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO): Features, Phases & Significance

The Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) is a prominent tropical climate pattern that involves the periodic movement of cloud and rainfall activity across the equator..
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD): Features, Effects & More

The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is a climatic phenomenon characterised by fluctuations in sea surface..
Jet Streams

Jet Streams: Meaning, Features, Role & More

Jet Streams are crucial atmospheric phenomena that significantly impact global weather patterns..
North East Monsoon in India

North East Monsoon in India: Features, Mechanism & Impact

The North East Monsoon is a key climatic feature influencing southeastern India from October to December..
SouthWest Monsoon in India

SouthWest Monsoon in India: Features, Theories & Mechanism

The SouthWest Monsoon in India is a major seasonal wind system that brings substantial rainfall to the Indian subcontinent from June to September. Its significance lies in its critical role in...
Monsoon in India

Monsoon in India: Features, Types, Regional Variations & More

The Monsoon in India is a defining climatic phenomenon that profoundly impacts the subcontinent's weather patterns..
Hot Weather Season in India

Hot Weather Season in India

The Hot Weather Season in India spans from March to May, marked by rising temperatures and decreasing air pressure.
Cold Weather Season in India

Cold Weather Season in India

The Cold Weather Season in India, from mid-November to February, is characterised by lower temperatures, especially in the northern regions.

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