Maize Cultivation in India

Maize Cultivation in India: Conditions, Distribution, & Importance 

Maize, often referred to as Indian corn, is prominent in Indian agriculture due to its adaptability and economic significance..
North East Monsoon in India

North East Monsoon in India: Features, Mechanism & Impact

The North East Monsoon is a key climatic feature influencing southeastern India from October to December..
West Flowing Rivers of India

West Flowing Rivers of India

The West-flowing Rivers of Peninsular India flow towards the Arabian Sea..
Millets in India

Millets in India: Types, Production, Benefits & More

Millets are short-duration, small-grained cereals that thrive in warm weather and are known for their resilience in less fertile and drought-prone areas..
Peninsular Plateau

The Peninsular Plateau of India: Plateaus, Hill Ranges & Significance

Surrounded by the oceans on three sides, the Peninsular Plateau of India, or the Indian Peninsular Plateau stands as one of the most significant and ancient geographical features of India.
White Revolution

White Revolution: Objectives, Importance & Achievements

The White Revolution, also known as Operation Flood, marked a transformative era in India's dairy industry..
Drainage System

Drainage System: Types, Patterns & Key Concepts

The Drainage System of a region is a vital component of its geography, shaping both natural landscapes and human settlements.
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD): Features, Effects & More

The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is a climatic phenomenon characterised by fluctuations in sea surface..
Climate of India

Climate of India: Meaning, Features, Types & More

The Climate of India is predominantly tropical monsoon, characterised by a significant seasonal variation in temperature and rainfall.
Ken Betwa River Linking Project

Ken Betwa River Linking Project

Ken Betwa River Linking Project got the Union Cabinet approval in December 2021. It is the flagship project of the center. 

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