Black Money

Black Money: Factors, Impacts & Steps Taken

Black Money poses a significant challenge to economies worldwide.
Exchange Rate

Exchange Rate: Meaning, Types & Related Concepts

Exchange Rate is a pivotal element of the global economic system, affecting trade, investment, and economic policy.
small finance banks

Small Finance Banks (SFB): Meaning, Features & More

Small Finance Banks (SFB) have emerged as pivotal components in the evolving Indian finance landscape.
Public Sector Banks Merger

Merger of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in India

Merger of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in India has been in consideration as a potential solution to creating a more robust, efficient and competitive Banking System in India.
World Trade Organization (WTO)

World Trade Organisation (WTO)

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is a cornerstone of the healthy system of global trade.
Governance Reforms in Banks in India

Governance Reforms in Banks in India

Governance Reforms in Banks in India have been an important part of Banking Sector Reforms in India.
insolvency and bankruptcy code

Insolvency and bankruptcy code 2016 (IBC 2016)

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) is a landmark reform aimed at addressing multiple challenges in the Indian economy.
Privatisation of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in India

Privatisation of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in India

Privatisation of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in India has been in consideration as a potential solution to enhancing efficiency in the Indian Banking System.
bad bank

Bad Bank: Meaning, Needs, Framework & More

Bad Bank has emerged as a potential solution to India’s persistent problem of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs).
Currency Convertibility

Currency Convertibility: Meaning, Components & More

Currency Convertibility is a vital aspect of a nation's economic framework, determining the ease with which its currency can be exchanged for foreign currencies. This mechanism plays a crucial role in...

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