State Information Commission (SIC)

State Information Commission (SIC)

The State Information Commission (SIC), a statutory body in India, stands at the forefront of the movement towards a more open and responsive administration in India.
Central Information Commission (CIC)

Central Information Commission (CIC)

The Central Information Commission (CIC), a statutory body in India, stands at the forefront of the movement towards a more open and responsive administration in India.
National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC)

National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC)

The National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC), a constitutional body in India, embodies the nation's commitment to ensuring the welfare and empowerment of the Backward Classes.
directive principles of state policy

Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSPs)

The Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP), as a unique feature of the Indian Constitution, aims to guide the nation toward the establishment of a just and equitable society.
National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST)

National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST)

The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST), a constitutional body in India, embodies the nation's commitment to ensuring the welfare and empowerment of the Scheduled Tribes..
national commission for scheduled caste

National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC)

The National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC), a constitutional body in India, embodies the nation's commitment to ensuring the welfare and empowerment of the Scheduled Castes.
Devices of Parliamentary Proceedings

Devices of Parliamentary Proceedings: Meaning, Types, Applications & Importance

The devices of parliamentary proceedings lie at the heart of the functioning of the supreme legislative bodies of India, including the Parliament and the State Legislatures.
Doctrine of Basic Structure

Doctrine of Basic Structure: Meaning, Evolution, Features, Significance & Criticism

The Doctrine of Basic Structure, as a hallmark of Indian judicial innovation, ensures that the foundational principles of the Constitution of India remain intact while the Constitution keeps on evolving through amendments.
Amendment of the Constitution

Amendment of the Constitution: Meaning, Types, Procedure & Limitations

The Constitution of India, as the supreme law of the land, should be responsive to changing needs and situations.
Fundamental Duties

Fundamental Duties: Meaning, Evolution, Features, Significance & Criticism

While much discourse centers on the rights granted to citizens, it is the concept of fundamental duties that inculcates the essence of responsible citizenship and collective welfare.

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