National Statistics Day 2024

National Statistics Day 2024
National Statistics Day 2024

National Statistics Day (29 June) is the day when India celebrates and recognizes the importance of statistics in socio-economic planning and policy formulation. With the theme of “Use of Data for Decision Making”, the nation is all set to celebrate National Statistics Day 2024 on 29th June 2024. As India honours our statistician community on this special day, this article presents a detailed account of National Statistics Day, including its history, significance, and more.

  • National Statistics Day (NSD) is celebrated annually in India on 29 June to commemorate the birth anniversary of the renowned statistician Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis.
  • This observance pays tribute to the immense contributions of Professor Mahalnobis to the field of statistics and economic planning, which have left a lasting impact on the socio-economic landscape of our country.
  • The day also serves as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of statistics in everyday life and to recognize the contributions of statisticians and data professionals in shaping the development of the nation.
About National Statistics Day
Date29 June
OriginStarted in 2007 to honor the contributions of Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis to statistics and economic planning.
ObjectiveTo raise public awareness about the importance of statistics in the socio-economic planning and policy-making of the nation.
Theme The theme changes annually and is decided by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.
Theme 2024“Use of Data for Decision Making”
  • Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, often referred to as Prof. Mahalanobis, was a renowned scientist and statistician of post-independent India.
  • Professor Mahalnobis is remembered for his significant contributions to the field of statistics and economic planning in India.
  • Some of his most prominent contributions are as follows:
    • Devising the “Mahalanobis Distance” – a statistical measure used in classification and cluster analysis.
    • Pivotal role in India’s economic planning as a member of the country’s first Planning Commission.
      • His profound expertise in statistics was instrumental in formulating India’s annual plans and overseeing their implementation, thereby contributing to the nation’s development strategy.
    • Founding of the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in 1931.
      • This institute emerged as a premier institution for statistical research and education.
    • Pioneering Large-Scale Sample Surveys, which revolutionized the collection of data for a larger population in India.
  • His contributions to science and his service to the nation were acknowledged with the Padma Vibhushan in 1968.
Prof. Mahalanobis

National Statistics Day (29 June) celebrated in India is different from World Statistics Day, which is celebrated globally and annually on 20 October. The two differ in the following respects:

Parameter National Statistics Day World Statistics Day 
Date29 June20 October
ScopeObserved only in India.Observed worldwide.
CelebrationsCelebrated annually. Celebrated every 5 years.
OriginEstablished by the Government of India in 2007 Established by the United Nations in 2010        
Objective To highlight the importance of statistics and data-driven decision-making in IndiaTo raise public awareness about the achievements of statisticians.
ThemeFocuses on a specific theme related to the use of data and statistics in IndiaVaries every 5 years, focusing on different aspects of statistics 

The history of National Statistics Day in India dates back to the year 2007. The chronology of its origins and evolution in India is explained below:

  • 5 June 2007: In recognition of the immense contributions made by Professor Mahalnobis, the Government of India designated his birth anniversary on 29th June as National Statistics Day on June 5, 2007.
  • 29 June 2007: The first National Statistics Day was celebrated on June 29, 2007.
  • Present: Ever since its inception in 2007, National Statistics Day has been celebrated in India annually on the same day.

National Statistics Day in India is commemorated with various events and activities aimed at promoting awareness about the importance of statistics in national development and policymaking.

Here is an overview of some common types of events that take place as part of National Statistics Day celebrations in India:

  • Seminars and Workshops – Institutes, universities, and government organizations conduct seminars, workshops, and webinars to discuss the role of statistics in various sectors like economics, social sciences, healthcare, and governance.
  • Public Lectures – Eminent statisticians, economists, and policymakers deliver lectures to educate the public about the significance of statistical data in decision-making and planning.
  • Competitions and Contests – Schools and colleges organize quizzes, debates, and competitions focusing on statistics to engage students and enhance their understanding of the subject.
  • Exhibitions – Exhibitions showcasing statistical data, research findings, and innovations in data analysis technologies are organized to demonstrate the practical applications of statistics.
  • Publication of Articles and Research Papers – Journals and publications release special issues dedicated to statistical research and its impact on societal development.
  • Online Campaigns – Social media platforms and government websites launch campaigns to spread awareness about the role of statistics in everyday life and encourage data literacy among citizens.
  • Policy Dialogues – Policy forums and roundtable discussions are held to explore how statistical insights can be effectively integrated into policymaking processes for sustainable development.
  • Recognition of Contributions – Awards and honors may be conferred on statisticians and researchers for their outstanding contributions to the field of statistics and data science.

Though the day mainly commemorates the birth anniversary of the renowned statistician Prof. Mahalnobis, the celebrations of National Day of Science revolve around multiple objectives. Some of the prominent objectives of the National Statistics Day celebrations in India are:

  • To raise awareness about the importance of statistics in everyday life and its role in shaping the nation’s development.
  • To provide a platform to recognize and honor the invaluable contributions of statisticians and data professionals in India.
  • To promote a culture of data-driven decision-making at all levels of governance and society.
  • To provide a platform for young statisticians and students to showcase their research and innovations.
  • To inspire and encourage the next generation of data professionals to contribute to the country’s development through their work.
  • To highlight the need for robust statistical infrastructure, including data collection, storage, and analysis systems, to support evidence-based decision-making.
  • To facilitate the exchange of ideas, best practices, and research findings among statisticians, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

Like every year, India is celebrating National Statistics Day 2024 on 29th June 2024. As per the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, this year’s celebrations will be based on the National Statistics Day 2024 theme of “Use of Data for Decision Making”.

National Statistics Day 2024 theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of statistics in various fields and encourage the use of data-driven approaches in governance and development initiatives.

With a strategic commitment to leverage robust statistical frameworks for evidence-based governance and sustainable development, the theme for National Statistics Day 2024 carries special significance as explained in the section below.

National Statistics Day 2024

Each year, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation declares a theme for National Statistics Day Celebrations that highlights a crucial aspect of Statistics as a science. These themes reflect the diverse use of statistics in various spheres of governance and everyday life.

The theme for National Statistics Day 2024 celebrations has been decided as “Use of Data for Decision Making“. The multifarious significance of this theme of National Statistics Day 2024 can be seen as follows:

  • Focus on data-driven decision-making ensures that policies are based on empirical evidence rather than assumptions or anecdotal information.
  • It promotes transparency in governance by providing clear, measurable metrics to assess progress and outcomes and holds governments and institutions accountable for their actions and decisions.
  • Data analytics allows for the efficient allocation of resources by identifying priorities and areas needing attention that lead to maximizing impact while minimizing wastage.
  • Statistical data provides insights into resource availability, utilization, and distribution. This information is crucial for allocating resources effectively, optimizing budgets, and ensuring equitable access to services and opportunities.
  • Data-driven approaches are essential for tracking progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They facilitate monitoring and evaluation of development initiatives, ensuring alignment with global sustainability targets.
  • Data analytics aids in identifying emerging trends, risks, and vulnerabilities, enabling proactive measures for risk mitigation and crisis management.
  • Data availability fosters innovation and supports research efforts across various domains, driving advancements in technology, healthcare, education, and other critical sectors.

The annual celebration of National Statistics Day holds immense significance for several reasons as listed below:

  • Awareness and Appreciation – The celebrations help raise awareness about the crucial role of statistics and data in various aspects of life.
  • Promoting Data Literacy – The event provides an opportunity to educate the public, especially students and young professionals, about the importance of statistical literacy.
  • Fostering Collaboration and Partnerships – The celebrations bring together stakeholders from different sectors, facilitating the exchange of ideas and strengthening collaborations.
  • Highlighting Innovations and Advancements – The celebrations showcase the latest developments and technologies in the field of statistics and data science.
  • Encouraging Evidence-based Decision-Making – The celebrations emphasize the importance of using data and statistics as the foundation for informed decision-making.
  • Promoting Transparency and Accountability – The celebrations underscore the role of reliable and accessible statistical information in enhancing public trust and accountability.
  • Inspiring Future Generations – The celebrations can inspire the younger generation to pursue careers in statistics, data science, and related fields.

Much more than just a commemoration of the birth anniversary, the significance of the National Statistics Day celebration lies in underscoring the pivotal role of statistics in contemporary governance and societal development. The observance serves as a crucial reminder of the power of accurate, reliable statistics in shaping effective, transparent, and accountable governance, thus fostering a more informed and empowered society. As India progresses towards a data-driven future, the National Statistics Day celebration will continue to hold its relevance.

Statistics is of paramount importance in the Civil Services and Governance, as can be seen as follows:

  • Informed Decision-Making – Statistical data and analysis provide civil servants with the necessary information to make well-informed decisions on a wide range of issues, from resource allocation to policy implementation.
    • Data-driven decision-making helps civil servants identify problems, assess alternatives, and choose the most effective course of action.
  • Policy Development and Evaluation – Statistical data is essential for the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of government policies and programs.
    • Civil servants use statistical methods to analyze the impact of existing policies, identify areas for improvement, and design new interventions based on evidence.
  • Resource Optimization – Statistical data on resource availability, utilization, and distribution enables civil servants to allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that public funds are directed to areas of greatest need.
    • This data-driven approach helps in managing budgets, reducing wastage, and ensuring the equitable provision of public services.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation – Statistical data is crucial for monitoring the progress and evaluating the effectiveness of government programs and initiatives.
    • Civil servants use data to track key performance indicators, assess the impact of interventions, and make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes.
  • Forecasting and Planning – Statistical analysis and modeling allow civil servants to forecast future trends, identify potential risks, and develop comprehensive plans to address emerging challenges.
    • This information is crucial for proactive policymaking and the development of long-term strategies that anticipate and respond to the changing needs of the population.
  • Targeting and Tailoring Services – Statistical data provides insights into the specific needs and characteristics of different segments of the population, such as demographic groups, geographic regions, or socioeconomic strata.
    • This information enables civil servants to design and deliver targeted services and interventions that cater to the unique requirements of these groups.
  • Transparency and Accountability – The availability and accessibility of reliable statistical data promote transparency in civil services, enabling citizens to hold their government institutions and officials accountable.
    • This data-driven approach enhances public trust and fosters a more open and democratic system of governance.
  • The Mahalanobis model is a statistical method and concept developed by Indian statistician Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis.
  • This model was used for the India’s Second Five-Year Plan (1955-1961).
  • Some of the key features of the Mahalanaobis Model are:
    • Emphasis on Heavy Industries: Focused on developing heavy industries like steel, machinery, and chemicals to build a strong industrial base.
    • Capital Goods Development: Prioritized the production of machinery and equipment to support industrialization and reduce dependence on imports.
    • Import Substitution: Aimed to reduce reliance on foreign goods by promoting domestic production of traditionally imported items.
    • Public Sector Dominance: Advocated for state-led investments in core industries to drive economic growth.
    • Mathematical Planning: Utilized statistical and mathematical models for resource allocation and economic forecasting.
    • Long-Term Focus: Emphasized long-term planning to achieve balanced and sustained economic development.

What is National Statistics Day?

National Statistics Day, celebrated annually in India on June 29, honors the birth anniversary of Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, a pioneer in statistical science and economic planning. The day raises awareness about the importance of statistics in shaping policies and national development.

Who is the Father of Statistics in India?

Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, often referred to as Prof. Mahalanobis, is the father of Statistics in India.

Why is World Statistics Day celebrated?

The World Statistics Day is celebrated annually on October 20th every 5 years.

When was National Statistics Commission formed?

The National Statistical Commission (NSC) of India is an autonomous body which formed on 12 July 2006.

Under whose recommendation the National Statistics Commission was formed?

The National Statistical Commission (NSC) of India was formed under the recommendation of the Rangarajan Commission.


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