India among global flash drought hotspots from 1980-2015: Study

In News

  • A study identified rapid drought intensification across India , United States, Brazil, southern Africa, Spain, western Russia and Australia as well.

Flash Drought

  • It is the rapid onset or intensification of drought and is set in motion by lower-than-normal rates of precipitation
    • Accompanied by abnormally high temperatures, winds, and radiation. 
    • Together, these changes in weather can rapidly alter the local climate.
  • The highest frequency of flash drought occurrence was primarily found within the tropics and subtropics.
    • They include a large portion of Brazil, the Sahel, the Great Rift Valley and India.
    • With composite flash drought occurrence within the 36-year time period (1980-2015) of analysis.
    • Additional areas within the tropics that had lesser, but notable flash drought occurrences included 
      • central Mexico, the Indochinese Peninsula, and northern Australia.
    • In the mid-latitudes, local hotspots of flash drought occurrence (10-20 per cent) exist across 
      • the central United States, Iberian Peninsula, Asia Minor, southwestern Russia, and northeastern China.

Study published in the Journal Nature Communications

  • Selected Regions:
    • Study regions are over global hotspots where flash drought occurred in more than 30 per cent of the study years (1980–2015)
    • The study identified rapid drought intensification across the United States, Brazil, southern Africa, Spain, western Russia and Australia.
  • Key drivers:
    • Rapid drought intensification occurs due to 
      • a critical lack of precipitation and 
      • increased evaporative demand.
  • In India:
    • A majority of the flash drought events occurred during the monsoon season.
      • Especially across the central, northwest and northeast regions of the country.
    • These regions experience their peak frequency at the beginning of their respective monsoon seasons
      • Primarily between May and September from 1980-2015.
  • In Sahel Region:
    • The flash drought likely occurred during May-June, and was associated with increasing climatological rainfall.
    • Especially if the onset of Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) induced and monsoon rainfall was delayed or significantly decreased.
  • In Amazon:
    • Flash drought occurs most often in the dry season (July-September). 
    • Mainly due to the combined effect of 
      • increased evaporative demand, 
      • limited rainfall and 
      • increased evapotranspiration resulting in rapid soil moisture depletion.

Evaporative demand 

  • It is a measure of the extent to which the environment tries to evaporate water. 
  • Changes in evaporative demand affect freshwater supplies and impact agriculture.

Impact on Agriculture

  • Flash droughts can develop in only a few weeks, they create impacts that are difficult to prepare for and mitigate. 
    • Even when environmental conditions seem unfavourable for rapid drought development.
    • A persistent lack of rainfall coupled with hot weather can create flash drought development with its associated impacts.
  • Areas under the Flash drought hotspots
    • the corn belt across the mid-western United States, 
    • barley production in the Iberian Peninsula,
    • the wheat belt in western Russia, 
    • wheat production in Asia Minor, 
    • rice-producing regions in India and the Indo-china Peninsula, 
    • maize production in northeastern China and 
    • sorghum production across the Sahel.
  • Trends
    • About 10-15 percent of areas under cultivation of rice and maize were affected during the monsoon seasons in India between 1951 and 2018.
  • Future Implications
    • The researchers said that the trend only applies to the 36 year period i.e between 1980–2015 and 
    • Do not indicate that these trends will extend into the future.

Way Forward and Conclusion

  • Limiting Global Warming
    • By limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees C, the numbers and frequency of the projected flash droughts may go down.
  • Early warning Systems
    • Operational meteorological forecasts will help manage irrigation water demands and avoid considerable losses in agriculture.

International Efforts

  • Integrated Drylands Development Programme (IDDP): 
    • Launched by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 
    • Goal: To strengthen resilience by working on the twin vulnerabilities 
      • poverty and 
      • unsustainable land management in the drylands.
  • Drought Risk Reduction framework:
    • Developed by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) 
    • It takes an integrated development approach and provides a comprehensive framework for both higher-level and local action.
  • The Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) and its partners have adopted three pillars of drought management:
    • Drought monitoring and early warning systems 
      • to determine drought status.
    • Vulnerability and impact assessment 
      • to determine who and what are at risk and why.
    • Mitigation, drought preparedness, and response 
      • to set out actions and measures to mitigate drought impacts and to prepare to respond to drought emergencies.

Source: DTE