The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3



India’s tiger population tops 3,000, shows census

(Species In News)

Learn facts related to the Tiger and findings of the latest tiger census.

GS 2


India to bridge the language gap with neighbours

(International )

What are the features and objectives of the Language Friendship Bridge’, project?

GS 3 


Awaiting lift­off into the Second Space Age 


Know about India’s space journey, major projects, Space potential of India, challenges, and future outlook 

GS 3


Directing AI for better and smarter legislation 

(Science and Technology)

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI? its applications in  parliamentary procedures, drawbacks and suggestions 

GS 2


Why a non-invasive test for endometriosis is taking such a long time


What do we know about endometriosis?

GS 3


Centre plans revamp of livestock insurance scheme to raise coverage


Chidambaram says 83% of MUDRA loans too small for business



Know about Livestock Insurance Scheme, Why is there a need for a comprehensive livestock insurance scheme? And recent developments linked to it 


Know about Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) ,and its progress 



Indian­American C.R. Rao wins Nobel Prize equivalent in statistics at the age of 102

(Miscellaneous )

Learn facts related to International Prize in Statistics

GS 3


What is cyber insurance? Do small units need cover?



What Does Cyber Insurance Cover? And Is it essential


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