Species In News: Blue Bull


  • The Bihar government will not cull the Blue Bull, locally known as the nilgai or ghurparas, anymore.
    •  It will, instead, sterilise them to control their increasing population in the state.


Image Courtesy: TOI

About Blue Bull(nilgai)

  • Scientific Name: Boselaphus tragocamelus .
  • It is the largest Asian antelope (family Bovidae). 
  • The nilgai is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, and Hindus accord it the same sacred status as cattle (both belong to the subfamily Bovinae). 
  • Description: Nilgai is the Hindustani word for “blue cow,” which describes the blue-grey of adult bulls. 
    • It has a long neck with a short upright mane, a bony narrow head, a barrel-like chest, strong legs, and high withers sloping back to the croup.
  • Habitat: It lives in a lightly wooded forest, wooded grassland, scrub areas and agricultural areas and human settlements. Blue Bull usually avoids dense Forests
  • Social Behaviour:  It is a diurnal and social animal. Generally, they are found in small herds of 4 to 20 individuals but can form large groups of 20 to 100 individuals. 
    • However, the adult male is also seen alone wandering widely at old ages.
  • Distribution: It is found in Nepal, India and Pakistan
  • Threats: It is seldom killed or injured in retaliation in response to crop-raiding.
    • The major threat to this species is habitat loss and degradation due to human encroachment, clearing of forest for agriculture and over-grazing of livestock in their habitats.
  • Conservation Status  :
    •  The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species listed it as Least Concern.
    • It enjoys legal protection by virtue of the species having been included in Schedule-III of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

Source: DTE