The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3



Karnataka leading in FDI in 2021-22: Minister


(Economy )

How Karnataka has attracted foreign direct investments (FDIs) worth ?1.6 lakh crore so far in the current fiscal? What is FDI, routes through which India gets FDI, advantages and disadvantages of FDI, the difference between FDI and FPI

GS 3


Predatory pricing is prising Indian livelihoods apart


What is the current supply chain for consumer goods products in India? challenges faced by India’s millions of distributors and intermediaries, what is predatory pricing? Issue linked to it, key analysis and what lies ahead? 

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Friend in need


Know about the India-Srilanka relations, India – Sri Lanka Confidence Building Measures, India support to Sri Lanka in overcoming the economic and other challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic, recent extension by India of  $400 million under the “SAARC currency swap” arrangement and agreed to a partial deferral of a $500 million settlement from Sri Lanka by two months, it’s relevance and way forward 

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Taxing cryptocurrency transactions


What is the true nature of cryptocurrencies? Pros and cons,  what are the monetary, fiscal challenges of cryptocurrency, lawmakers and RBI’s stance on the legality of cryptocurrencies? Major features of the Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021, its objectives, criticism, why A streamlined tax regime is pivotal to a clear, constructive and adaptive regulatory environment and way forward.

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Centre’s response awaited on the law on interfaith marriages


Govt. talk on marital rape a delaying tactic


SC verdicts have flagged the threat of hate speech


(Polity and Governance)

Key provisions of the Special Marriage Act (SMA), 1954, Objectives, why is it being challenged and criticism associated with it.


What is the Constitutionality of marital rape? What is Section 375 and why does it matter? What did the Court say?


Recent  Cases Related to Hate Speech, About Hate Speech, Reasons of increasing hate speech in the Indian Society,  Legal Position of Hate Speech and steps that can be taken to tackle these kinds of issues.

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Volcano caused ‘significant damage’

(Geography )

Why the volcanic eruption in Tonga was so violent, and what to expect next, Volcanoes – Basic Concepts, Types of Volcanoes and their impacts 

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