Katrol Hill Fault


  • Earthquakes have led to major changes in the landscape of the Katrol Hill Fault.

About Katrol Hill Fault (KHF)

  • It is situated in the Kachchh region in Gujarat.
  • A study of sediment showed that Seismicity in the Kutch region is highly complex as it is characterized by multiple seismic sources in the form of several East-West trending fault lines, which release continuously accumulating tectonic stresses at intervals producing earthquakes. 
    • The study was carried out by field mapping and using sophisticated field instruments like Ground Penetrating Radar and laboratory equipment like Scanning Electron Microscope for analyzing sediment samples.
  • The samples showed features indicative of surface faulting. 
  •  The Katrol Hill Fault (KHF) has produced high magnitude seismic events during the past ~30,000 years and is, therefore, a credible seismic source capable of generating surface rupture hazards in the Kachchh Basin.
  • Further, field-based geomorphological studies revealed that the events resulted in spectacular changes in the landscape, as evidenced by the disruption and reorganization of the channel of the Gunawari River in the fault zone. 
    • It is interesting that these events produced surface rupture, whereas the 2001 Bhuj earthquake (Mw 7.7) did not rupture the surface. 
  •  The study calls for a revised seismic hazard assessment and mitigation strategies in the Kutch Basin, owing to its proximity to the industrial corridor and major settlements, including Bhuj. 

Source: PIB

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