Bailey bridges

In News

  • The Army may help build Bailey bridges in the Kaziranga National Park. 

What is Bailey Bridge?

  • A Bailey bridge is a type of portable, pre-fabricated, truss bridge. It was developed in 1940–1941 by the British for military use during the Second World War.
  • A Bailey bridge has the advantage of requiring no special tools or heavy equipment to assemble. The wood and steel bridge elements were small and light enough to be carried in trucks and lifted into place by hand, without the use of a crane.
  • The bridges are strong enough to carry tanks. 

Other types of bridges



Kaziranga National Park

  • The Park is the abode of more than 70% of One Horned Rhinoceros in the world. According to the 2022 count, the park has an estimated 2,613 rhinos. Kaziranga also has the highest density of tigers in India.
  • It was declared a Wildlife Sanctuary in 1950 and notified as Kaziranga National Park in 1974 under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, of 1972.
  • It was declared a World Heritage Site back in 1985. It is recognized as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International.

Know about the Rhinoceroses

  • Rhinoceroses are large, herbivorous mammals identified by their characteristic horned snouts. 
  • There are five species and 11 subspecies of rhino; some have two horns, while others have one.

Geographical Location

  • White rhinos and black rhinos live in the grasslands and floodplains of eastern and southern Africa. 
  • Greater one-horned rhinos can be found in the swamps and rain forests of northern India and southern Nepal. 
  • Sumatran and Javan rhinos are found only in small areas of Malaysian and Indonesian swamps and rainforests.

For further reading on Greater One-Horned Rhino, kindly follow this link 
Source: TH