Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti

In News 

  • The Prime Minister of India presented a Chadar which shall be offered at the Ajmer Sharif Dargah on the Urs of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti.


About Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti.

  • He was born in Iran in 1141-42 CE. 
  • He was a Sufi mystic saint and philosopher.
  • He is the most famous saint of the Chishti order of Sufism in the Indian Subcontinent.
  • Also known as ‘Gharib Nawaaz’ and ‘Benefactor of the poor’.
  • He made Ajmer, Rajasthan his residence, where his resting place, the Ajmer Sharif Dargah is located.
    • At his Dargah, chadar is offered for prayer by both Hindus and Muslims which represents the spirit of mutual respect and unity in the diversity of India.
  • He was contemporary to Qutub-ud-din Aibak and Iltutmish.
  • He died in 1236.


  • His sermons inspired millions of Hindus and Muslims to move towards the path of truth and unity. 
  • Followers from all religions emulated and symbolized his dictum of “Sulh-i-Kul” (Peace with all)
    • Thus, he brought the message of universal love and peace.
  •  He fulfilled the objectives of bringing together the various castes, communities and races, elevating humanity from the swamp of materialistic concerns, which is leading mankind towards destruction today.

About Chisti Silsila

  • It comes under the Ba-shara order which means they were bound by Islamic laws, unlike Be-Shara.
    • Be-shara (literally means without laws) were the Sufi Saints who did not follow Islamic laws and lived like wanderers.
    • Due to constant wandering, Be-shara were also called Baba and Mast Kalandar.
  • Founded by Abu Ishaq Shami at Chisti-i-sharif in Afghanistan.
  • It was established in India by Khwaja Moin-ud-din Chisti in 1192, just after the death of Prithvi Raj Chauhan.
  • Other prominent Saints in this silsila were: 
    • Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (Died in 1235 in Delhi, Contemporary of Iltutmish)
    • Nizamuddin Auliya (Also known as Mehboob-e-Ilahi) (died in 1335 in Delhi. His disciple was Amir Khusaro, the parrot of India and Father of Qawwali)
    • Nasruddin Chiragh-i-Delhi (14th century, After him, Chisti Silsila declined.)

Features  Chishti tradition

  • Saints of this order mingled with people freely and led austere lives.
  • They stressed the importance of keeping a distance from worldly power (including Kings and Emperors too).
  • Chishti practice is also notable for Sama: evoking the divine presence by listening to and losing oneself in a form of music and poetry, most usually Qawwali.
  • The Sufis accepted unsolicited grants and donations from the political elites.
    • The Sultans in turn set up charitable trusts (auqaf ) as endowments for hospices and granted tax-free land (inam).
  • The Chishtis accepted donations in cash and kind
    • Rather than accumulate donations, they preferred to use these fully on immediate requirements such as food, clothes, living quarters and ritual necessities (such as sama‘)

About Dargah Sharif,

  • The Dargah shrine has Chisti’s grave.
  • It has been constructed with white marble in different stages and styles.
  • Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq and Akbar were the ones who paid homage and expanded the structure significantly.

Source: PIB