Dholes (Asiatic Wild Dogs)

In News

  • A new study has reported the presence of dholes or Asiatic wild dogs (Cuon alpinus) in the high mountains of Central Asia nearly 30 years after their presence was last recorded.


  • Historically, dholes purportedly occurred throughout southern Russia, all across central Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia. 
  • Recent research and current distribution maps indicate that they are restricted to the south and southeast Asia, with the northernmost populations in China

Reasons for the disappearance

  • Dholes require more land for sustainable populations than other Asian mammals due to their complex social structure and dietary requirements.
  • Habitat fragmentation and human activity may have contributed significantly to their decades-long disappearances from the aforementioned countries (Central Asian mainly)

Dholes (Asiatic Wild Dogs)

  • It is also known as the Asiatic Wild Dog, Indian Wild Dog, the Red Dog, Whistling dog and Mountain wolf. It plays an important role as an apex predator in forest ecosystems.
  • It is in the endangered category (EN) and is protected under Schedule II of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 in India.
  • Besides the tiger, the dhole is the only large carnivore in India that is under the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s ‘endangered’ category.
  • High populations of Dholes are found in the Western Ghats and central Indian forests

Source: DTE

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