Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Index

In News

  • Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) has carried out coastal vulnerability assessment for the entire Indian coast at the state level.

What is  Coastal Vulnerability?

  • Coastal vulnerability is a spatial concept that identifies people and places that are susceptible to disturbances resulting from coastal hazards. 
  • Hazards in the coastal environment, such as coastal storms and erosion, pose significant threats to coastal physical, economic, and social systems. 

About the Assessment Index

  • Under the Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Index (CVI), INCOIS has brought out an Atlas comprising 156 maps on 1:1,00,000 scales to prepare a CVI.
  • These maps determine the coastal risks due to future sea-level rise based on the physical and geological parameters for the Indian coast.
  • The CVI uses the relative risk that physical changes will occur as sea-level rises are quantified based on parameters like:
    • Tidal range
    • Wave height
    • Coastal slope
    • Coastal elevation
    • Shoreline change rate
    • Geomorphology
    • Historical rate of relative sea-level change
  • Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Mapping (MHVM):
    • A coastal Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Mapping (MHVM) was also carried out using above mentioned parameters.
    • These parameters were synthesized to derive the composite hazard zones that can be inundated along with the coastal low-lying areas due to extreme flooding events.
    • This MHVM mapping was carried out for the entire mainland of India on a 1:25000 scale.
    • These maps depict the coastal low-lying areas exposed to coastal inundation.

What are the Benefits 

  • Coastal vulnerability assessments can be useful information for coastal disaster management and building resilient coastal communities.
  • India has a coastline of 7516.6 Km i.e. 6100 km of mainland coastline plus coastline of 1197 Indian islands touching 13 States and Union Territories (UTs).

About Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)

  • It is an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Earth Sciences
  • It has been issuing alerts on Potential Fishing Zone, Ocean State Forecast, Tsunami Early Warning, Storm Surge Early Warning, High Wave Alerts, etc.
  • It prioritises requests for specific services from its diverse user community that ranges right from fishermen to offshore oil exploration industries. 
    • The targeted users are fishermen, marine fishery resource managers, researchers, ecologists, and environmentalists.

Source: TH