Assam Mizoram Border Row

In News

Violence escalated along the inter-State border, between Assam and Mizoram,  in the Cachar district.


  • The boundary between present-day Assam and Mizoram, 165 km long, dates back to the colonial era, when Mizoram was known as Lushai Hills, a district of Assam.
  • The Assam-Mizoram border is shared between three districts of South Assam — Cachar, Hailakandi and Karimganj — and three districts of Mizoram — Kolasib, Mamit and Aizawl

(Image Courtesy : IE)

History of Assam- Mizoram Border Row

  • The dispute dates back to the days of British colonial rule, and disagreement over which demarcation to follow.
  • After independence, states such as Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, and Mizoram were carved out of Assam
  • When the princely state of Manipur was demarcated in 1993, tensions emerged since its boundary began from the Lushai Hills and Cachar district of Assam. 
    • This was not accepted by the Mizos. 
  • British tea plantations surfaced in the Cachar plains – the Barak Valley that now comprises the districts of Cachar, Hailakandi and Karimganj — during the mid-19th century. Their expansion led to problems with the Mizos whose home was the Lushai Hills.
  • 2 Border notifications were passed:
    • In August 1875:
      • The southern boundary of Cachar district was issued in the Assam Gazette
      • The Mizos say this was the fifth time the British had drawn the boundary between the Lushai Hills and the Cachar plains
      • It was the only time when it was done in consultation with Mizo chiefs
      • This also became the basis for the Inner Line Reserve Forest demarcation in the Gazette two years later.
    • In 1933:
      • The boundary between Lushai Hills and the then princely state of Manipur was demarcated – it said the Manipur boundary began from the trijunction of Lushai Hills, Cachar district of Assam and Manipur state. 
      • The Mizos do not accept this demarcation, and point to the 1875 boundary which was drawn in consultation with their chiefs.
  • Mizoram statehood: Border conflicts have happened intermittently since Mizoram was carved out of Assam as a Union Territory in 1972 and got statehood in 1987.
  • Several rounds of talks between the two States since 1995 failed to resolve the border issue.
  • Assam’s claims: Mizos have been squatting in areas 1-3 km from the interstate border.
  • Mizoram’s claims: 
    • Assam has been pushing its people 10-12 km inside their territory.
    • The boundary should be demarcated on the basis of notification in 1875 that distinguished the Lushai Hills (erstwhile district of Assam that became Mizoram) from the plains of Cachar.
    • British-era notification of 1933 that Assam follows is not acceptable to Mizoram, which says their ancestors were not consulted on this.

Recent Developments

  • According to an agreement between Mizoram and Assam, status quo was to be maintained in the no man’s land in the border area. 
  • But in February 2018, there was violence when students’ union MZP (Mizo Zirlai Pawl) built a wooden rest house for farmers on land that was claimed by Assam and which was demolished by Assam Police.
  • Assam also has border disputes with Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Nagaland

Way Forward

  • As suggested by the Supreme Court in 2005, Boundary Commission should be formed to resolve such issues of these two states or any other.
  • Help of Remote sensing satellites can be taken to check the mapping and actual border situation.
  • The interstate council and the Zonal Council must be revived so as to provide better options for dispute settlements.
  • A democratic decision should be worked upon where stakeholders from both the sides are involved.

Source: TH