Scrapping of Retrospective Taxation

In News

Parliament recently passed Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill 2021 to bury retrospective taxation.

What is Retrospective Taxation?

  • “Retrospective” means ‘taking effect from a date in the past’ and “tax” refers to ‘a new or additional levy of tax on a specified transaction’. 
  • Therefore, retrospective tax means creating an additional charge or levy of tax by way of an amendment from a specified date in the past.

For Example:

  • Finance Act 2012 was passed to retrospectively levy tax on indirect transfers.
  • Vodafone and Cairn India Issues erupted due to these retrospective taxation.
    • In both the cases, India lost to private firms and at the end lost both ways: 
      • trust of companies and 
      • damages paid to them as awarded by court.

Source: Indian Express

How was it Impacting Business?

It hampers the business environment in following ways:

  • Creates a lot of confusion and complexity: It is because backdated transactions are to be traced and rechecked.
  • Creates uncertainty: Businesses fear adverse terms and conditions in future.
  • Increases litigation: As companies feel cheated, they tend to go to local courts or Permanent Court of Arbitration.
  • Against the internationally accepted taxation principles: It is against the ease of doing business and widely accepted taxation rules.

Benefits of New Law

  • Increased trust of International Investors: This may translate into more FDI.
  • Higher Ease of Doing Business: India is improving its ranking by leaps and bounds in World banks Ease of Doing Business. 
    • It will further help us on that front.
  • More influx of Companies leaving China: Till now maximum benefit of anti-chinese sentiments were taken by South-East Asian Nations. 
    • This decision mixed with other reforms could alter the hotspots.
  • Positive Sentiments in Share Market: This will also create a positive sentiment in share market, leading to rise in share prices of few companies.
  • Less NPAs: Vodafone-Idea which is facing a major loss due to this taxation may again get a fresh breath of life.
    • It may reduce pressure on banks who have lent nearly Rs25000 crore to Vodafone- Idea. 


  • Tax Avoidance: it will allow some big corporations to exploit loopholes for tax avoidance.

Way Forward

  • An investment-friendly business environment is the need of the hour to boost the economy post pandemic.
  • Bureaucrats need to continuously keep themselves updated about possibilities and learn from international practices to avoid such tax avoidances.

Source: BS