Cancellation of SAARC Meet

In News

  • The meeting of foreign ministers from the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries has been cancelled. 
    • The meeting was set to be held in New York on 25 September 2021.
    • It was to be hosted by Nepal.
  • The suspected reason may be disagreement among the member states over the participation of Afghanistan.
    • In particular, the loggerhead was between Pakistan and India over the issue.

What are the differing opinions?

  • Pakistan first objected to the participation of any official from the previous Ghani administration.
  • In response, SAARC members reportedly agreed to keep an “empty chair” as a symbolic representation of Afghanistan.
  • However, Islamabad later insisted that the Taliban be allowed to send its representative to the summit.
  • It was rejected by all of the other member states.
  • After no consensus could be formed, Nepal, the ‘host’ of the summit, officially cancelled the meeting.

Reasons behind the Objection by SAARC members

  • Non-Recognition of Taliban as legitimate government
    • The Taliban has not been recognised as the official government of Afghanistan by any SAARC countries barring Pakistan.
  • Several Taliban Leaders blacklisted as terrorists
    • Several top Taliban leaders are blacklisted by the US and/or designated as international terrorists.
    • Senior leaders who are not blacklisted are known for supporting terrorist activities or affiliating with terrorist organisations.
  • Non Inclusive Government
    • Recently, at the SCO meet, India referred to the Taliban as a non-inclusive government.
      • It also warned other nations to think before accepting the regime in Afghanistan.
  • Threat of Spillover Terrorism due to Dominant Haqqani Network
    • SAARC members are deeply aware of the threat of spillover terrorism from Afghanistan under the Taliban regime.
    • Bangladesh in particular, is concerned with the effect it may have on extremism within its borders.
  • Involvement in Drugs, Illegal Weapon and Human Trafficking trades
    • Developments in Afghanistan could lead to uncontrolled flow of drugs, illegal weapons and human trafficking.

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

  • SAARC is a regional inter-governmental organisation of South Asian countries.
    • It was founded in Dhaka.
    • It is headquartered at Kathmandu in Nepal.
  • It has 8 members namely
    • India, 
    • Bangladesh, 
    • Bhutan, 
    • Maldives, 
    • Nepal, 
    • Pakistan,
    • Sri Lanka,
    • Afghanistan. 
      • Afghanistan joined the bloc in 2007, under its then President Hamid Karzai. 
  • Observer Members
    • SAARC also includes 9 formally recognised observers including the European Union, the US, Iran and China.


Courtesy: ResearchGate

Genesis of SAARC

  • After the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the security situation in South Asia rapidly deteriorated. 
  • In response, the foreign ministers of the initial 7 members met in Colombo in 1981.
  • At the meeting, Bangladesh proposed forming a regional association that would meet to discuss matters such as security and trade.
  • While most of the countries present were in favour of the proposal, India and Pakistan were sceptical.
    • Eventually, both countries relented. 
  • In 1983 in Dhaka, the 7 nations signed the Declaration on South Asian Association Regional Cooperation. 
    • With it, the official formation of SAARC was signalled. 
    • In Dec 1985, First official meeting of SAARC was held.
  • At the Dhaka meeting, the member countries also launched the Integrated Program of Action.
    • It outlined the five areas of cooperation between SAARC countries, namely, 
      • Agriculture; 
      • Rural development; 
      • Telecommunications; 
      • Meteorology; and 
      • Health and population activities. 
  • According to the SAARC charter, the goal of the organisation was to contribute to “mutual trust, understanding and appreciation of one another’s problems”.


Induction of Afghanistan

  • In 2005, Afghanistan formally applied for membership to SAARC.
    • It spurred debate among SAARC members due to the following reasons.
      • the nascent status of Afghan democracy and 
      • the perception of the country as a Central Asian nation.
  • The SAARC nations, pressured by Pakistan, agreed to admit Afghanistan into the bloc with the stipulation that it first hold nonpartisan general elections.
    • Afghanistan held the elections in late 2005.
  • In 2007, Afghanistan became the eighth member state of SAARC.

Challenges of SAARC

  • Not a regional association like EU or African Union
    • Despite its lofty ambitions, SAARC has not become a regional association in the mould of the European Union or the African Union.
  • Internal Conflict
    • Its member states are plagued by internal divisions, most notably the conflict between India and Pakistan.
  • Unable to Form any Comprehensive Trade Agreement
    • Till now SAARC is unable to form comprehensive trade agreements.
  • Stalled proposals on different Collaborations
    •  The SAARC has not been able to meaningfully collaborate on areas such as security, energy and infrastructure.
  • Indo- Pakistan strained relations
    • The 18th and last SAARC summit was held in 2014 with Pakistan scheduled to host the 19th summit in 2016.
    • However, following Islamabad’s alleged involvement in the Uri terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir, India refused to participate. 
    • Soon after, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka also pulled out of the summit.
      • They cited 
        • fears of regional insecurity caused by Pakistan and 
        • a lack of a conducive environment for the talks. 
    • Nepal was unable to withdraw from the summit as the chairperson of SAARC was from Nepal.


Courtesy: MapsofWorld


Relevance of SAARC

  • Despite these setbacks or challenges, SAARC has achieved a modicum of success.
  • A Regional Discussion Platform
    • It has provided a platform for representatives from member countries to meet and discuss important issues which may have been challenging through bilateral discussions. 
    • For Example: India and Pakistan would struggle to publicly justify a meeting when tensions between the two are particularly high.
      • But representatives from both countries could come together under the banner of SAARC.
  • Joint Cooperation on few issues
    • The bloc has also made some headway in signing agreements related to 
      • Climate change, 
      • Food security and 
      • Combatting the Covid-19 crisis.
    • It has the potential to do far more but that is contingent upon cooperation on key issues between member states.
  • Indian Initiatives like SAARC satellite, Operation Sanjeevani, etc.
    • Although Pakistan has been reluctant to join Indian initiatives, different SAARC nations have benefitted from Gujral Doctrine of India.

Concussion and Way Forward

  • Wait and Watch regarding Afghanistan
    • India and other countries have met and should keep in touch with Taliban spokespeople.
    • But SAARC should wait and demand a representative government from the Taliban before allowing them to represent Afghanistan in SAARC.
  • SAARC has its own significance
    • SAARC can help India to have energy security and give it access to Central Asia.
  • Try to strengthen BIMSTEC
    • As an alternative, India should diversify its options by strengthening BIMSTEC.

Source: IE