Fast and Secured Transmission of Electronic Records (FASTER) System

In News

  • Recently, the Supreme court has introduced the “Fast and Secured Transmission of Electronic Records” (FASTER) system.

What is the FASTER System?

  • The FASTER (Fast and Secured Transmission of Electronic Records) system proposes transmission of e-authenticated copies of interim orders, stay orders, bail orders and records of proceedings to the duty-holders for compliance and due execution, through a secured electronic communication channel.

Need & Significance

  • It ensures that Prisoners granted bail will no longer have to wait for the physical copy of the order to reach jails for their release. 
  • This will ensure the effective implementation of Article 21 (right to life).
  • It is high time to utilise information and communication technology tools for efficient transmission of court’s orders.
  • Prevent unnecessary arrests and custody of people even after the court had already granted them its protection.


  • The availability of internet connection in jails across the nation as without this facility transmission of such orders to prisons will not be possible.

Source: TH