Indian Express

Indian Express


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Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3


PM Modi launches Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, health ID for every citizen


What are the components of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission? How will it help in keeping a track of physical and mental health? How will unique health id work?

GS 3


India gets first herbicide-tolerant & non-GM rice varieties; launch today

(Environment, Economy)

What is the mechanism of weed control for the newly developed Pusa Basmati 1979 and Pusa Basmati 1985 varieties of Rice? Which weeds can be controlled and what are expected benefits?

GS 3


Covid-19: Active cases in India below 3 lakh for first time in six months, 55% in Kerala


Where do the recent trends in COVID infection indicate? Is it the success of Vaccination Drive? Why Kerala has such a high disease burden? What is way ahead?

GS 2


Schools of Specialised Excellence welcome first batch of 2,200 students


What are the benefits of converting existing Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalayas into Schools of Specialised Excellence? Which innovations have been introduced for better education?

GS 2


Getting aid not a fundamental right, says Supreme Court


What are the supreme court’s verdict and guidelines for aid and grants to educational institutes?

GS 3


Escape from snow: Set for early completion, 6.5-km Z-Morh tunnel to link Sonmarg, Srinagar all year

(Economy, Infrastructure)

Where is the Z morh tunnel situated? How will it benefit India strategically and help in better integration of J&K and Kadah UTs in India?

GS 2


‘We need power to flow from the bottom to the top’

(Polity and Governance)

How has the COVID affected the employment scenario? How has it impacted the migrant population? Which policy interventions can help?

GS 2


The Quad is an important political signal. But it will be tested


What are going to be the 3 ‘Cs’- Climate, Covid and Critical Technologies for QUAD apart from China? What challenges does the QUAD have to face and way forward?

GS 3


Plan to discontinue the vitamin A supplement programme is hasty


How discontinuation of the National Vitamin A Supplement programme may affect the immunity of children? What is need of National Nutrition Mission?

GS 2


The growing strategic importance of outer space


Why is Space so strategically important? How can India utilise its soft powers to negotiate different technologies?

GS 1 & 3


Where does all our hatred come from?

(Society, Internal Security)

What is the new case of violence in Assam? What is the Dholpur Eviction Case? Why are these people being evicted? How can society be more sensitive?

GS 1 & 3


Explained: This year, a four-point monsoon story with a storm at each end

(Geography, Disaster Management)

What are the patterns and underlying reasons in the monsoon pattern seen this year? How the western typhoons and Indian dipole affected the Indian Monsoon? Which cyclones hit India during this phase?

GS 2


An Expert Explains: The Angela Merkel era and India


How were the Indo German relations during the reign of Angela Merkel? What could be the stand of next government?

GS 2


US plans projects in Latin America countering China’s Belt and Road


What is the Build Back Better World initiative? Is India party to it? How can it counter the BRI of China?

GS 3


Explained: What is behind China’s power crunch?


What can be the impact of China’s Power crunch on the Indian Economy? Which goods’ prices may rise?

GS 3


Airspace map of India: How drone operators can check the flying zones


Who has released the Airspace map? How will it help Drone operators to use their drones more efficiently without violating any law?

GS 3


Underwriting losses fall, profits jump 300% for general insurers


What is underwriting? How has the insurance sector increased? What is the way forward for post pandemic recovery?

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