CCI and Cartelisation

In News

  • The Competition Commission of India (CCI) recently fined 3 beer companies and then gave them a varying degree of relief.

Complete Incident

  • CCI found that 3 beer companies had colluded to fix beer prices for a full decade (2009- 2018).
  • As a result, the CCI slapped a penalty of Rs 873 crore for cartelisation in the sale and supply of beer in 10 states.

Cartel: Definition

  • According to CCI, a “Cartel includes an association of producers, sellers, distributors, traders or service providers
    • who, by agreement amongst themselves, 
    • limit, control or attempt to control the production, distribution, sale or price of, or, trade in goods or provision of services”.
  • The International Competition Network has a simpler definition in form of 3 common components of a cartel:
    • An agreement: Maybe formal and written or informal or unwritten.
      • Cartels almost invariably involve secret conspiracies.
    • Between competitors: It refers to companies at the same level of the economy (manufacturers, distributors, or retailers) in direct competition with each other to sell goods or provide services.
    • To restrict competition: It is the conduct that targets open competition from benign, ordinary course of business agreements between firms.
  • The  International Competition Network is a global body dedicated to enforcing competition law.

Functioning of Cartels

  • According to ICN, 4 categories of conduct that are commonly identified across jurisdictions (countries) are:
    • Price-fixing;
    • Output restrictions;
    • Market allocation and
    • Bid-rigging
  • Bruce Wardhaugh in his book titled Cartels, Markets and Crime explains that participants in hard-core Cartels substitute cooperation for competition.
    • They do this by agreeing to insulate themselves from the rigours of a competitive marketplace.

Ill Effects of the Cartels

  • Adversely affect efficiency in a market economy:
    • According to the OECD, “A successful cartel raises the price above the competitive level and reduces output.
    • Thus it reduces the efficiency of the overall economy.
      • OECD stands for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  • Black marketing, Hoarding and Poverty by excluding consumers:
    • By artificially holding back the supply or raising prices in a coordinated manner, companies 
      • either force some consumers out of the market by making the commodity (say, beer) more scarce or
      • by earning profits that free competition would not have allowed.
  • Undermine overall economic efficiency and innovations:
    • A cartel shelters its members from full exposure to market forces, reducing pressures on them to control costs and innovate.

Cartels versus monopolies: Which one is more Harmful?

  • Monopolies are bad for both individual consumer interest as well as the society at large because
    • a monopolist completely dominates and then often abuses this dominance 
      • either in the form of charging higher than warranted prices 
      • or by providing lower than the warranted quality of the good or service in question.
  • As per  Bruce Wardhaugh, Monopoly distorts the market in 2 ways
    • Fewer investments towards making the methods of production more efficient
    • Reduced product innovation
    • Both the aforementioned problems get aggravated in cartels.



  • Both end up charging higher prices than actual worth.
  • But Monopolists may be forced to undertake product innovation due to fear of new entrants.
  • Monopolists again may be apprehensive of less expensive technology entering the market. It will force him to make necessary upgrades to Production efficiency.
  • Both end up charging higher prices than actual worth.
  • Here, due to the explicit agreement of non-competition and profit guarantees among cartels, any incentive to improve one’s product is removed.
  • In a cartel, there is no fear of new entrants being more efficient as the cartel will lobby and keep them out or merge them in the cartel.
  • Thus, in a nutshell, these social costs of reduced product innovation may be greater with cartels.
    • In other words, apart from the whole issue of charging higher prices, 
      • cartels (as against monopolists) 
        • neither has any incentive to invest in research aimed at improving their product 
        • nor do they see any reason why they should boost investments towards making the methods of production more efficient.
  • The end result is that both the individual consumer as well as the society at large suffers.

Way Forward

  • To Sop Cartelisation, one needs to 
    • Identify Cartels
      • Cartels are not easy to detect and identify.
    • Provision for strong deterrence
      • A monetary penalty that exceeds the gains amassed by the cartel.
  • Challenges to these steps
    • It is not always easy to ascertain the exact gains from cartelisation.
    • Lower Prosecution Rate: 1 in 6 or 7 cartels are detected and prosecuted, implying a multiple of at least six as per the OECD document.
  • 100% relief should not have been provided to Anheuser Busch InBev India 
  • Further, there is a need to incentivise whistleblowers exposing cartels and their functions.

Competition Commission of India (CCI)

  • It is the competition regulator in India. 
  • Established in 2003 under the provisions of the Competition Act 2002  but became fully functional by 2009. 
  • The Competition (Amendment) Act, 2007 was enacted to amend the Competition Act, 2002.
    • This led to the establishment of the Competition Appellate Tribunal.
  • Later, the Competition Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT) was replaced with the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) in 2017.
  • Aim: 
    • To establish a competitive environment in the Indian economy through proactive engagement with all the stakeholders, the government, and international jurisdiction. 
  • Objectives of Commission
    • To prevent practices that harm the competition.
    • To promote and sustain competition in markets.
    • To protect the interests of consumers.
    • To ensure freedom of trade.
  • Members: 3 full-time members
    • 1 Chair person+ 2 Members
    • Eligibility
      • They shall be a person of ability, integrity
      • And who, has been, or is qualified to be a judge of a High Court
      • Or, has special knowledge of, and professional experience of not less than 15 years in 
        • international trade, economics, business, commerce, law, finance, accountancy, management, industry, public affairs, administration 
      • or in any other matter which, in the opinion of the Central Government, may be useful to the Commission.

Source: IE