The Challenge: First Movie in Space

In News 

  • Recently, filmmakers returned to Earth after spending 12 days on the International Space Station (ISS) shooting scenes for the first movie (The Challenge) in orbit.


  • The mission will add to a long list of firsts for Russia’s space industry.
    • The Soviets launched the first satellite Sputnik and sent into orbit the first animal, a dog named Laika, the first man, Yuri Gagarin and the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova.

International Space Station (ISS) 

  • It is a space station, or a habitable artificial satellite, in Low Earth Orbit (approximately 250 miles above Earth).
  • The first piece of the International Space Station was launched in 1998, since then it is evolving.
  • NASA and its partners around the world finished the space station in 2011.
  • The ISS is one of the most ambitious international collaborations in human history.
  • Nations involved: The ISS programme is a joint project between five participating space agencies: NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), JAXA (Japan), ESA (Europe), and CSA (Canada).
  • The ownership and use of the space station are established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements.
  • The station is divided into two sections, the Russian Orbital Segment (ROS) and the United States Orbital Segment (USOS), which is shared by many nations.
  • ISS is the ninth space station to be inhabited by crews, following the Soviet and later Russian Salyut, Almaz, and Mir stations as well as Skylab from the US.

Source: TH

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