Methane Emissions from Coal Mines

In News

According to the Global Energy Monitor report, India is among the top five emitters of methane from proposed coal mines worldwide.

Key Highlights

  • The countries with the highest amount of methane emissions from proposed coal mines are China (572 Mt), Australia (233 Mt), Russia (125 Mt), India (45 Mt), South Africa (34 Mt), the US (28 Mt), and Canada (17 Mt).
  • For India, the report estimates methane emissions to be at 45 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2 equivalent emissions over a 20-year horizon and estimates proposed new coal mines to be 52.

Methane Emissions

  • Methane is the second biggest contributor to global warming after CO2, with a shorter atmospheric lifetime, but much stronger potency and warming potential.
  • Methane is produced in the digestive system of ruminant (cows, water buffaloes, sheep, goats and camels) animals. This gas is then released through these animals’ flatulence, when they belch, or through their manure.
  • During mining, fractured coal seams and surrounding strata emit methane into the atmosphere.
  • India currently has the world’s largest cattle population and is a significant producer of rice.
    • Because of this, methane accounts for approximately 20 percent of India’s total emissions (as CO2 equivalent).

Initiatives to reduce Methane Emissions

  • Global Methane Initiative (GMI): An international public-private partnership focused on reducing barriers to the recovery and use of methane as a clean energy source.
    • It provides technical support to deploy methane-to-energy projects around the world.
  •  India’s GHG Program: An industry-led voluntary framework aiming to help Indian companies monitor progress towards measurement and management of GHG emissions.
  • Other studies revealed: Feeding cows seaweed supplements helps to reduce their methane emissions.
