The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2




To stop a third wave, India has to mask up


Creating critical thinkers


The second wave of Covid-19 pandemic in India, its severity and impacts especially on the education sector. Precautions to be taken in order to mitigate any chances of a third wave and what can be done to minimise the loss of time and opportunities for students?

GS 2


Delhi govt.’s responsibilities remain: Centre


Know about the Government of National Capital Territory (GNCTD) Amendment Act, 2021. Provisions, significance, concerns and a way forward.

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Vaccine Maitri may have to wait till July

(International Relations)

India’s Vaccine Maitri programme for the neighbourhood amidst the second wave of Covid-19 in the country and the ongoing vaccination programme.

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Childhood vaccinations must not be delayed


What are primary vaccinations and why are they important? Issue of postponed primary vaccinations due to Covid-19 and implications on the child health. A way forward.

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40 nations offered help, says Shringla


U.S. military aircraft bringing critical supplies to New Delhi


China to support procuring of healthcare equipment


Ventilators, drugs come from Russia

(Health and International Relations)

Global support to India in its fight against Covid-19 pandemic. Key highlights of the help by the US, Russia, China and Pakistan.

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China launches key module for its permanent space station

(Science and Technology)

Know about the Tianhe module of Chinese permanent space station, its functions, significance, etc. Look into global efforts aimed to understand space better and where does India stand in that?

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Sri Lanka has prioritised ties with China

(International Relations)

Increasing Sri Lanka-China relations and the safety and security implications for India. What steps should India take to keep itself safe from any possible danger?

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