Facts in News


Facts in News

Statehood Day of Sikkim

Recently, Prime Minister Narendra greeted the people of Sikkim on their Statehood Day.


Historical Background

  • Sikkim was founded by the Namgyal dynasty in the 17th century.
    • The Namgyal dynasty ruled Sikkim until 1975.
  • It became a princely state of British India in 1890.
  • Declared as Protectorate of India in 1950 following the Indo-Sikkimese Treaty
    • Under this treaty, India is responsible for the external relations, defence, and strategic communications of Sikkim.
  • Became the 22nd state of India on 16th May 1975.


Key Points

  • Location: Northeast India (mainly eastern Himalayas).
  • Capital: Gangtok
  • Sikkim is the least populous and second smallest Indian state.
  • Borders:
    • North and Northeast: Tibet (China)
    • Southeast: Bhutan.
    • South: West Bengal.
    • West: Nepal
  • Geography:
    • Mount Kanchenjunga (India’s highest peak and the world’s third-highest mountain) is situated here.
    • Kanchenjunga National Park (KNP) is India’s high-elevation conservation area.
      • In 2016, UNESCO declared KNP as a World Heritage Site under the ‘mixed’ category (sites containing elements of both natural and cultural significance).
    • Major Rivers: Teesta River and its tributaries such as the Rangit, Lhonak, Talung, and Lachung.

Image Courtesy: Sikkim Tourism

Winchcombe Meteorite

A piece of Winchcombe meteorite will be displayed at the National History Museum, Gloucestershire (UK).

  • The Winchcombe meteorite is known as a carbonaceous meteorite.
    • This kind of meteorite can’t be modified, by either melting or differentiation of the parent body.


  • Meteoroids are objects in space that range in size from dust grains to small asteroids.
    • Also known as “space rocks”. 
  • When meteoroids enter the Earth’s atmosphere they are called meteors
  • But if a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere and hits the ground, it is called a meteorite.



  • It dates back to the birth of the solar system nearly 4.5 billion years ago.
  • Provide clues to scientists and researchers about the beginning of the solar system and Earth. 
  • Space missions to Asteroids:
    • NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission (2018) for asteroid Bennu.
    • Japan’s Hayabusa 2 mission for asteroid Ryugu (2014).

Image Courtesy: BBC

Zhurong Rover

China’s uncrewed ‘Tianwen-1’ spacecraft landed safely on the northern hemisphere of Mars (also known as Utopia Planitia), with ‘Zhurong’ rover, the onboard lander.

  • Aim: Study the Martian atmosphere and geology.
  • China became the 2nd country after the USA send a rover to explore the mysterious Red Planet.
  • If ‘Zhurong’ is deployed successfully then China will become the first country to successfully orbit, land and offload a rover during its maiden Mars mission.


Other Mars missions

  • United States: Viking 1, Viking 2, Opportunity & Spirit and Perseverance rovers to explore Mars.
  • Soviet Union (present Russia): Launched Mars probe in 1971, but communication was lost.
  • India: Launched Mangalyaan (Mars Orbiter Mission) in 2014 and became the 1st Asian nation to reach Martian orbit (in 1st attempt) in the world.

Image Courtesy: Bangkok Post

Zeolite Cargo Flights

Air India has started the first of its “zeolite cargo flights” to import zeolite for use in medical oxygen plants.

  • Zeolites are crystalline solid structures made of silicon, aluminium and oxygen.
  • Zeolites occur naturally and are also produced industrially on a large scale. 
  • They are often also referred to as molecular sieves.


Key Points

  • Administered under: Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
    • DRDO will utilize the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) Fund, to set up these medical oxygen plants.
  • Significance:
    • These oxygen plants will help in supplementing oxygen supplies for COVID-19 patients.
    • The technology uses the pressure swing adsorption process and molecular sieve zeolite in oxygen generation.
      • The pressure swing adsorption process is a cyclic process that uses beds of solid adsorbent to remove impurities from the gas and generally produces higher-purity hydrogen
    • The technology will be especially useful in urban, remote and rural settings with the on-site generation of medical oxygen in a cost-effective manner.

Asian Gracile Skink

Recently, an Asian gracile skink species have been discovered from the Western Ghats.


Key Points

  • Scientific name: Subdoluseps nilgiriensis.
  • They are non-venomous and their inconspicuous limbs make them resemble snakes.
    • It also looks like Subdoluseps pruthi that is found in parts of the Eastern Ghats.
  • Size: 7 cm
  • Colour: Sandy Brown
  • Diet: Not known
  • IUCN Status: Vulnerable
  • Threats: Forest Fires, construction activities, afforestation, rapid urbanisation etc.

Image Courtesy: The Hindu

Mice Rain in Australia

Recently, New South Wales (Southern Australia) has faced mouse plague due to sudden Mice Rain.

  • This sudden mice rain happens due to unusually abundant grain harvest this year.
  • To control the plague, the government has now authorised the use of a poison called bromadiolone.
  • Plague: 
    • It is an infectious disease caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria, usually found in small mammals and their fleas. 
    • The disease is transmitted between animals via their fleas and, as it is a zoonotic bacteria, it can also transmit from animals to humans.

Key Points

  • The mice have a short breeding cycle (a pair of breeding mice can give birth to a new litter every 21 days or so) and are not very choosy about food. 
    • The rodents (which includes rats and mice) are the second most successful mammals on the planet after humans.
  • Impact:
    • Rodents can cause damage to food grains, domestic households, commercial businesses, farms, manufacturers and livestock. 
    • They can not only gnaw through materials but can also ruin supplies by excreting them. 
    • Spread diseases such as leptospirosis and typhus fever. 
    • They can also carry fleas or ticks that can harm pets and humans.


Recently, a pair of cranes were spotted last year on a restored peat bog in Ireland.


Key Points

  • Bogs (also called quagmires) are soft, spongy wetlands that accumulate peat– a fossil fuel that is used for heating homes and businesses in northern Europe. 
  • Bogs also act as carbon sinks, sequestering around 200 million tons of carbon from the environment in Siberia and Scandinavia. 
  • Threats:
    • The extraction of peat or for development activities, the ecosystem got destroyed including damage to species such as cranes. 
  • Restoration: 
    • Rewetting and reintroducing bog plants.

Image Courtesy: Science Mag

MS Narasimhan

Recently, a famous mathematician Professor MS Narasimhan passed away.


Key Points

  • Along with C.S. Seshdhari, he introduced the Narasimhan–Seshadri theorem.
    • This theorem is related to geometry, in which stable holomorphic vector bundles lie over a compact Riemann surface.
  • He was also elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society, United Kingdom
  • He has been the only Indian to receive the King Faisal International Prize in the field of science.