Entrances of India’s New Parliament

Syllabus: GS-2/Indian Polity, Parliament

In News

  • The Vice President hoisted the National Flag at Gaja Dwar at India’s new Parliament Building, before its first session.

About New Parliament

  • It was built as part of the Indian government’s Central Vista Redevelopment Project.
  • The new Parliament Building has six gates named after animals and creatures.
  • Out of these six entrances, three are designed as ceremonial entrances, to welcome special guests and to mark special events. They have been named as Gyan, Shakti and Karma, representing the Indian knowledge system, patriotism and artistic traditions, respectively.

The Six statues at the Entrances of New Parliament

  • Gaja Dwar (the Elephant Gate)
    • It represents intellect, memory, wealth and wisdom. 
    • This gate is on the north side of the building. 
  • Ashwa (Horse) Dwar
    • It is at the Southern entrance. A horse symbolises power, strength and courage , describing the quality of  governance.
  • Garuda (the King of Birds)
    • It is believed to be the mount of Lord Vishnu (the preserver in the Hindu trinity). It makes Garuda a symbol of power and dharma (duty).The Garuda gate is the eastern entrance of the new Parliament building.
  • Makara (the Mythological Aquatic Creature)
    • It is named after the legendary sea creature that is a combination of different animals. 
    • Makara sculptures are seen in Hindu and Buddhist monuments spread across South and Southeast Asia. 
    • On one hand, Makara is considered as the combination of different creatures that represents India’s unity in diversity. On the other hand, Makara sculptures at doorways are seen as protectors. 
    • The Makara Dwar faces the entrance to the old Parliament building.
  • Shardula (the Mythological Creature)
    • It is a mythological creature who has the body of a lion, the head of a horse, elephant or parrot. It symbolises the power of the people of the country.
  • Hamsa Dwar (Swan)
    • It is named after the swan. 
    • Hamsa is the mount of Saraswati (the Hindu goddess of knowledge).
    • It symbolises moksha, or meaning the liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth and death. 
    • The Hamsa sculpture on the Parliament’s gate is a symbol of self-realisation and wisdom.

Source: IE

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