Over 75% of European bumblebee Species Threatened

Syllabus: GS3/ Conservation

In News

  • More than 75% of European bumblebee species may be threatened in the next 40-60 years according to a paper published in Nature. 

Key Points of the Study

  • Population decline: Around 38-76% of European bumblebee species currently considered as non-threatened are projected to see their ecologically suitable territory shrink by at least 30% by 2061-2080.
  • Key drivers of population loss: Degradation of habitats and alterations of climate due to human activity are identified as key drivers of these estimated population declines.

About Bumblebee

  • The bumblebee (Bombus) is a genus of bees considered to be especially important for the pollination of crops in the cold and temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. 
  • Bombus species are social bees, with each nest containing a female bee and other male and worker bees.
  • The species live and nest in open farmland & fields. It feeds on food plants like sunflowers & clovers.

Way Ahead

  • There is a need for conservation measures and policies that mitigate the human impact on important ecosystems.
  • Understanding the trajectory of insect populations is important for devising conservation efforts.

Source: TH

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