Headlines of the Day 14-12-2023

PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Mint, AIR

HeadlineSourceSyllabusKey points to know
The UAE Consensus 

India welcomes UAE consensus even as new flanks open
COP28: What were the most important decisions, where they fell short
The Hindu: (Page 1)

The Hindu: (Page 11)

Indian Express(Page 14)
Environment (GSIII)

– COP28: What were the most important decisions, where they fell short?
India votes in favour of immediate ceasefire in Gaza by Israel
Gaza, a new pointer to India’s changed world view
The Hindu: (Page 1)

The Hindu:(Page 6)
IR (GSII)– Why did India voted in favour of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza by Israel?
– Its significance
Central Universities (Amendment) BillThe Hindu: (Page 1)Polity and Governance (GSII)– What are the key provisions of the Central Universities (Amendment) Bill?
Article 370 judgment is a case of constitutional monism
Article 370 verdict
The Hindu: (Page 6)

Indian Express(Page 13)
Polity and Governance (GSII)– What is the Supreme Court’s verdict on Article 370? 
– Its significance
– Criticism 
– Future outlook 
Centre’s proactive approach to resolve issues of Sri Lankan repatriates is mustThe Hindu: (Page 6)IR (GSII)– Why Centre’s proactive approach to resolve issues of Sri Lankan repatriates is must?
Climate change-induced health issuesThe Hindu: (Page 7)Environment (GSIII)– What is climate change?
– Why are Indians vulnerable to climate change-induced health issues?
Islam The Hindu: (Page 9)Society (GSI) / IR (GSII)– What is Islam?
– How Islam got tangled in the web of global warfare?
Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023:WHOThe Hindu: (Page 12)Health (GSII)– What are the key findings of the ‘Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023’? 
‘New Delhi Declaration’ on artificial intelligence adoptedThe Hindu: (Page 12)

Governance (GSII)/ S&T (GSIII)

– What is the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit?
– Outcomes
– Its significance for India
Curb freebies doled out to doctors by pharma firms: panelThe Hindu: (Page 12)Governance (GSII)
– What are freebies?
– Its significance, criticism and the way forward
Centre revives plan to simplify GST ratesThe Hindu: (Page 13)Economy (GSIII)– What are GST rates?
– Is simplification of GST rates required?
FM moves legislation to hasten setting up GST appellate bodiesThe Hindu: (Page 13)Economy (GSIII)

– What is GST Appellate Tribunals?
– Its significance
Remission of Duties and Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) schemeThe Hindu: (Page 13)Economy(GSIII)

– What is the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) scheme?Its objectives
The limitations of CCS and CDR and their grip on future climateThe Hindu: (Page 18)

Environment (GSIII)

– What are CCS and CDR?
– Its significance, criticism and the way forward
new criminal law code: Law and liberty
New criminal law Bills endanger civil liberties
Indian Express (Page 12)
Indian Express (Page 12)
Indian Express(Page 14)
Governance (GSII)  

– What are the new Criminal Law Bills?
– Its significance, criticism and the way forward
Academic freedom is misunderstoodIndian Express (Page 12)Education (GSII)– What is Academic freedom?
– Its importance
Work of consultancy firms with government must be regulatedIndian Express (Page 12)Governance (GSII) / Economy (GSIII)  

– What are consultancy firms?
– How are they regulated in India?
visitor passes to ParliamentIndian Express (Page 14)Governance (GSII)– What is visitor passes to Parliament?
– Its objectives
AKTOCYTEPIBS&T (GSIII)– What is the significance of the AKTOCYTE tablets?
Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) issues 20 notices to IAS coaching institutes for misleading advertisements and imposed penalties on 8 such institutesPIBGovernance (GSII)  

– What are the roles and responsibilities of the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA)?
– Why have they issued notices to the IAS coaching institutes? Its impact
Government of India and ADB sigh $200 million loan for Uttarakhand climate resilient power system development projectPIBIR (GSII)– What is the Asian Development Bank (ADB)?
– Its significance for India 
National Mission for Clean GangaPIBEnvironment (GSIII)– What is the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG?
– Its aims and objectives
Pro Bono Legal services programmePIBGovernance (GSII)– What is the Pro Bono Legal services programme?
– Its objectives
India-Portugal Senior Consultative Body MeetingPIBIR (GSII)– What are the key highlights of the India-Portugal Senior Consultative Body Meeting?