National Girl Child Day

In News

  • Recently, the Government of India celebrated  National Girl Child Day.

About National Girl Child Day

  • It was first initiated in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
  • It is celebrated in the country on January 24 every year with the objective to provide support and opportunities to the girls of India.
  • It aims towards promoting awareness about the rights of the girl child and to increase awareness on the importance of girl education, health and nutrition 
  • It also aims to promote the girl’s position in society to make their living better among the society. 
  • Gender discrimination is a major problem that girls and women face throughout their life.
    • It also aims to support the girl child of the nation and remove gender-based biases. 
    • The main focus is on changing society’s attitude towards girls, decreasing female feticide and creating awareness about the decreasing sex ratio.

Steps Taken by the Government

  • The government of India has taken several steps over the years to improve the conditions of girls. The government has started several campaigns and programmes some of them are :
  • Save the Girl Child,
  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao,
  • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
  • CBSE Udaan Scheme
  • Free or subsidized education for the girl child,
  •  Reservation for women in colleges and universities
  •  National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education

Source :ET