Headlines of the Day 05-1-2024

PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Mint, AIR

HeadlineSourceSyllabusKey points to know
8 Indians held in Qatar get 60 days to contest their jail termsThe Hindu: (Page1)
IR (GSII)– Why are 8 former Indian Navy officers imprisoned in Qatar?
– What is the current state of India-Qatar relations?
– What are the key areas of cooperation between the two nations?
Himachal Pradesh HC stays inclusion of Hattees on ST listThe Hindu: (Page 2)Polity and Governance (GSII)– Who are Hattees? Issues faced by them
– What is the current procedure for inclusion of communities in the Scheduled Tribes list?
10th century Kadamba inscription The Hindu: (Page3)History (GSI)– Recently, the 10th century Kadamba inscription written in Kannada and Sanskrit was found in Goa. What is its significance and the key facts related to it?
Maharashtra Cabinet permits Old Pension Scheme optionThe Hindu: (Page 4)Polity and Governance (GSII)– What is the Old Pension Scheme?
– Its significance, challenges and the way forward
Election Commission tweaks rules for allocation of symbols to new partiesThe Hindu: (Page 4)Polity and Governance (GSII)– How are election symbols allotted to political parties in India?
– Its significance, criticism and the way forward
Portal for tur dal procurement launchedThe Hindu: (Page 4)Economy (GSIII)
– What are the key facts related to tur dal? 
– What is the significance of the recently launched portal for tur dal procurement?
Health Ministry seeks data on single women taking the ART routeThe Hindu: (Page 6)Health (GSII)

– What is Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)?
– Its significance
ISRO to perform crucial manoeuvre tomorrow to bind Aditya-L1 into L1 orbitThe Hindu: (Page 6)
Space (GSIII)– What is the Aditya-L1 mission?
– Its objectives
urban development
The Hindu: (Page 8)Governance (GSII) / Economy (GSIII)– What is urbanisation?
– Its significance, challenges and the way forward
Higher education and the job marketThe Hindu: (Page 9)Education (GSII)

– What is the importance of higher education?
– Is higher education out of touch with the skill requirements in the job market?
– What needs to be done?
South China Sea

The Hindu: (Page 12)IR (GSII)– What is the South China Sea dispute?
– Its strategic significance for China and the U.S.
‘India’s heavy digital footprint makes it attractive to cybercrooks’The Hindu: (Page 14)Governance (GSII) / S&T (GSIII)– What does digital footprint mean?
– Why has India’s digital footprint made it an alluring target for cybercriminals?
‘Toy exports surge 239% to $326 million in 8 years’The Hindu: (Page 14)
Economy (GSIII)– How big is the Indian toy market?
– Its significance for the Indian economy 
India, Nepal sign power pact, MoU in renewable energy

Indian Express (Page 5)IR (GSII)– What is the current status of India-Nepal relations?
– What are the key areas of cooperation between the two nations?
New antibiotic could target drug-resistant bacterium: scientistsThe Hindu: (Page 6)S&T (GSIII)– What is an antibiotic?
– Its significance
Researchers engineer plant cells to produce drug for cancerThe Hindu: (Page 7)S&T (GSIII)– What is cancer?
– Its causes, types and treatments
India’s longest sea bridge, also known as Atal SetuIndian Express (Page 7)Economy (GSIII)

– What are the key  facts related to Atal Setu?
How AI is changing what sovereignty meansIndian Express (Page 10)  Governance (GSII) / S&T (GSIII)– What does sovereignty mean?
– How AI is changing what sovereignty means?
India’s MSP policyIndian Express (Page 10)Economy (GSIII)– What are MSPs, and how are they decided?
– Its significance, criticism and the way forward
Provisions for the issue of summonsIndian Express (Page 15)Governance (GSII)– What are the provisions under which the ED issues summons? How have courts viewed the matter?
Ayodhya Ram Temple Indian Express (Page 15)Art and Culture (GSI)– What are the key facts related to the Ayodhya Ram Temple?
PRERANA programPIBEducation (GSII)– What is the PRERANA program?
– Its objectives
ERNET PIBGovernance (GSII)– What is ERNET?
– Its significance
Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar 2023PIBMiscellaneous – What is the ‘Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar’ 2023?
– Its significance