Headlines of the Day 29-02-2024

HeadlineSourceSyllabusKey points to know
‘Dharma Guardian’The Hindu(Page 1)
– Know about  ‘Dharma Guardian’
– And Its relevance 
PM Modi inaugurates country’s first indigenous hydrogen fuel cell ferryThe Hindu(Page 5)
Environment (GSIII)– What is the importance of hydrogen fuel in the current scenario?
– Concerns 
– Initiatives 
Vignettes of a Janus-faced economyThe Hindu(Page 6)
– Know about the  performance of the Indian economy
– What is the distressed side of the economy?
– policy initiatives
– And suggestions 
The economic case for investing in India’s childrenThe Hindu(Page 6)Education (GSII) 
– What is the status of early childhood care and education in India ?
– Significance 
– Challenges 
– Related developments 
– Way ahead 
India’s fight against rare diseasesThe Hindu(Page 7)Health(GSII) – What is a rare disease?
– Impact on India
– Concerns 
– Way ahead 
On irregularities in vertical devolutionThe Hindu(Page 8)Polity and Governance (GSII)

– Know about the practice of fiscal federalism in India.
– Emerging issues 
– Suggestions 
Practice and law: debating aspects of the Muslim personal lawThe Hindu(Page 9)Society(GSI)/Governance (GSII)– In what ways was Muslim Law Applied in India?
– What are the Personal Laws of Other Religions?
Nepal-India official dialogue silent on landmark Pancheshwar projectThe Hindu(Page 10)

IR(GSII)– Know about India-Nepal Relations
– Latest Developments  
– & Challenges
– Suggestions 
‘Number of ultra-rich in India increased 6% in 2023 to 13,263’The Hindu(Page 14)Economy (GSIII)

– What are Ultra-high Net Worth Individuals (UHNWIs) ?
The rocky vista of medicinal cannabis that research is bringing into viewThe Hindu(Page 20)Health(GSII)– Know about frequency and potency of cannabis use 
– detrimental effects
– Measures
jacaranda trees.The Hindu(Page 20)

– Learn facts related to jacaranda 
Nagaland govt.’s efforts to regulate coal mining hit Article 371A wallThe Hindu

Polity and Governance (GSII)

– What is Article 371A ?
– Its purpose 
Mekong Delta The Hindu
Places in news(GSI)– Know about Mekong Delta 
Interim unity govt, common voter list: Law panel readies report on simultaneous pollsIndian  Express (Page 1)Polity and Governance (GSII) 

– What are Simultaneous Elections?
– Advantages
– Challenges 
– Way Ahead 
Homeland Security DialogueIndian  Express (Page 9)IR (GSII)– What are the outcomes of Homeland Security Dialogue
– Its significance
consumption expenditure surveyIndian  Express (Page 12)

Economy(GSIII)– Know about Household Consumption Expenditure Survey
– Significance 
– Findings 
– Suggestions 
Why India’s youth chasing the sarkari naukriIndian  Express (Page 12)


– The Situation of Government Job in India 
– Its demand 
– Government’s Employment Generation Efforts
– And way ahead 
AI, sovereignty and Isaac Asimov’s warningIndian  Express (Page 13)

– Know about the AI’s potential
– ethical and moral implications of robotics and artificial intelligence
– Key analysis
– Way forward 
On surrogacy, Indian law goes a step further — but not far enoughIndian  Express (Page 13)

Polity and Governance (GSII) 

– Surrogacy Regulation in India and the world
– Latest developments 
– Challenges 
– suggestions
Creating India’s genetic mapIndian  Express (Page 17)S&T(GSIII)– Know about Genome India Project
– Significance 
Pilgrimage town of DwarkaIndian  Express (Page 17)
History (GSI)– Learn facts related to  Dwarka
leap yearIndian  Express (Page 17)
Geography (GSI)– Know about  leap year
– Reasons 
India has conducted the first human clinical trial of gene therapy for haemophilia ApibS&T(GSIII)– Learn about haemophilia A
– And latest developments 
Flyways and Migratory Birds
airEnvironment(GSIII)– Know all about Flyways and Migratory Birds