National Commission of Schedule Tribes (NCST)

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National Commission of Schedule Tribes (NCST)

  • Background:
    • The NCST was established by amending Article 338 and inserting a new Article 338A in the Constitution through the 89th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003.
    • By this amendment, the erstwhile National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was replaced by two separate Commissions namely:
      • The National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC)
      • The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST)
  • Composition
    • The NCST panel has one chairperson, one vice-chairperson, and three members (two out of VC, and the members should be from the ST community). At least one member should be a woman.
    • The Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, and the other Members hold office for a term of 3 years.
    • The members are only eligible for appointments for up to two terms.
    • The President appoints the members by warrant under his hand and seal.
  • Powers and Functions
    • The Commission is vested with all the powers of a civil court while investigating any matter on the inquiry of any complaint relating to deprivation of rights and safeguards for Scheduled Tribes.
    • To investigate & monitor matters relating to Safeguards provided for STs under the Constitution or under other laws or under Govt. Order, to evaluate the working of such Safeguards.
    • To inquire into specific complaints with respect to the deprivation of rights and safeguards of the Scheduled Tribes.
    • To participate and advise on the planning process of socioeconomic development of the Scheduled Tribes and to evaluate the progress of their development under the Union and any State.
    • To present to the President, annually and at such other times as the Commission may deem fit, reports upon the working of those safeguards.

Issues with NCST

  • Appointments:
    • Lack of Appointment: It just has a chairperson and one member with all other posts empty, including that of the mandatory ST member.
    • As per parliament till 31st January 2023, against the total sanctioned posts of 124, 54 posts are filled and the vacant posts are 70.
    • The Group A posts in the NCST are filled by the Ministry, while the Group B and C posts are the NCST’s responsibility.
    • Lack of Candidates: In the recruitment process, the eligibility bar is set too high and the rules are impromptu changed. 
  • Pending Reports: 
    • The commission has been dysfunctional for the last five years and has not delivered a single report to Parliament.
    • As per the Commission, in the financial year 2021-22, it has met only four times. Its rate of pendency of resolution of complaints and cases that it receives is also close to 50 percent.
  • Budgetary Constraints:
    • The Commission does not have a separate Budget Head to advance its Demand for Grants in a realistic manner.

Way Ahead

  • The Commission needs to function as per the constitutional authority allotted to it. It should work for the welfare of STs and prevent the exploitation of Schedule tribes.
  • The pending vacancies should be immediately filled with the mandatory posts to be filled at the earliest for the smooth functioning of the commission.
  • The reports which have not been tabled in parliament needed to be tabled and their recommendations be debated.
  • The budgetary allocation to the commission needed to be reviewed accordingly so that the functioning of the constitutional body is not impacted  due to lack of funds.

                                                Schedule Tribes

  • As per Article 342 of the Constitution, the President through a public notification can declare the tribes or tribal communities or part of or groups within these tribes and tribal communities as Schedule Tribes.
  • Criteria: The Constitution is silent about the criteria for the specification of a community as a Scheduled Tribe. Primitiveness, geographical isolation, shyness, and social, educational & economic backwardness are the traits that distinguish Scheduled Tribe communities from other communities.
  • There are 75 Scheduled Tribes known as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), which are characterized by:
    •  Pre-agriculture level of technology 
    •  Stagnant or declining population
    •  Extremely low literacy
    •  Subsistence level of the economy

Related Committees

  • Xaxa Committee (2013)
  • Bhuria Commission (2002-2004)
  • Lokur Committee (1965)

Source: The Hindu

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