Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana

In News

  • Recently, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has revamped the existing Scheme of Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS) with Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojna for implementation during 2021-22 to 2025-26.

About Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana

  • Ministry:
    • The scheme is being implemented by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
  • Objective:
    • To ensure integrated development of the selected villages with more than 50% SC population so that there is
      • Adequate Infrastructure: All requisite infrastructure necessary for the socio-economic development needs are to be provided under the Scheme.
      • Improvement in Socio-Economic Indicators: The identified socio-economic indicators, known as Monitorable Indicators, are to be improved so that the disparity between SC and non-SC population is eliminated and the level of indicators is raised to at least that of the National average. 
        • All BPL SC families should have food and livelihood security, all SC children should complete education at least up to the secondary level, all factors leading to maternal and infant mortality are addressed and incidence of malnutrition, especially amongst children and women, is eliminated.
  • There are 50 Monitorable Indicators under 10 domains:
    • Drinking water and Sanitation
    • Education
    • Health and Nutrition
    • Social Security
    • Rural Roads and Housing
    • Electricity and Clean Fuel 
    • Agricultural Practices etc.
    • Financial Inclusion
    • Digitization
    • Livelihood and Skill Development
  • Vision of an ‘Adarsh Gram’:
    • The Scheme provides for An ‘Adarsh Gram’ is one wherein people have access to various basic services so that the minimum needs of all the sections of the society are fully met and disparities are reduced to a minimum. 
    • These villages would have all such infrastructure and its residents will have access to all such basic services that are necessary for a dignified living, creating thereby an environment in which everyone is enabled to utilize her/his potential to the fullest.

Source: PIB