Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin)

In News

  • Recently, according to the data shared by the government over 69% houses constructed under PMAY in rural India are either wholly or jointly owned by women. 


  • Housing is one of the basic requirements for human survival. 
  • For a normal citizen owning a house provides significant economic and social security and status in society.
  • In pursuance to the goal – Housing for all by 2022, the rural housing scheme Indira Awas Yojana has been revamped to Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin.  

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin)

  • 2016:
    • It was launched by the Prime Minister in 2016 with the aim of constructing 2.95 crore houses.
  • Objective:
    • Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided for construction of pucca houses to all houseless and households living in dilapidated houses. 
  • Implementation:
    • Implemented in rural areas throughout India except Delhi and Chandigarh
  • Funding Pattern:
    • The cost of unit assistance is to be shared between Central and State Governments in the ratio 60:40 in plain areas and 90:10 for North Eastern and hilly states.
    • The unit assistance given to beneficiaries under the programme is Rs 1, 20,000 in plain areas and to Rs 1, 30,000 in hilly states/difficult areas /Integrated Action Plan (IAP) for Selected Tribal and Backward Districts. 
  • Other features:
    • The beneficiary is entitled to 90/95 days of unskilled labour from MGNREGA.
    • The beneficiary would be facilitated to avail loan of up to Rs.70, 000/- for construction of the house which is optional.
    • Funds will be transferred electronically directly to the account of the beneficiary.
  • Target Group:
    • Identification of beneficiaries eligible for assistance and their prioritisation to be done using information from Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) ensuring total transparency and objectivity.
    • The list will be presented to Gram Sabha to identify beneficiaries who have been assisted before or who have become ineligible due to other reasons. The finalised list will be published.
      • Gram Sabha will need to justify in writing with reasons for any alteration of priority in the original list.

Significance of the scheme

  • Nari Shakti initiative: it had been the government’s endeavour to ensure women get a fair share of government schemes under Nari Shakti initiative.
  • Women-led development: The idea behind the initiative is to have “women-led” development instead of “development of women”.
  • Financial decision making: By providing houses under the PMAY–G, the government has fulfilled the aspirations of women of owning a pucca house and strengthened their participation in the financial decision making of the household.
    • Living in a pucca house with basic amenities gives security, dignity and basic amenities economic power and uplifts their social inclusion.

Way Forward

  • Another initiative which has helped safeguard the health of women and children was ensuring supply of clean cooking fuel under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana.
    • Over 9.4 crore LPG connections have been released under the Ujjwala Yojana.
    • This scheme also received global recognition from the International Energy Agency.
  • Another scheme that has helped women gain dignity and security is the Swachh Bharat Mission under which 11.5 crore toilets were constructed in the rural areas and 70 lakhs were built in the urban areas.
    • After the construction of toilets, 93% of women reported that they were no longer afraid of being hurt by someone or harmed by animals while defecating.
    • 93% of women reported they are no longer afraid of contracting health infections.
    • 92% of women said they were no longer afraid of going to the toilet in the dark of night.

Source: TH

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