Universal Postal Union (UPU)

In News

  • World Post Day is annually observed across the globe on 9th October to mark the establishment of the Universal Postal Union(UPU).
    • The theme of World Post Day 2022 is “Post for the Planet”.

About Universal Postal Union (UPU)

  • Established in 1874, the second oldest international organization worldwide.
  • Headquarters: the Swiss capital Berne 
  • Functions:
    • The primary forum for cooperation between postal sector players. 
    • It helps to ensure a truly universal network of up-to-date products and services.
    • Fulfils an advisory, mediating and liaison role;
    • Provides technical assistance where needed.
  • Member countries:
    • Any member country of the United Nations may become a member of the UPU.
    • Any non-member country of the United Nations may become a UPU member provided that its request is approved by at least two-thirds of the member countries of the UPU. 
    • The UPU now has 192 member countries.
  • Consists of 4 bodies:
    • The Congress– the supreme authority; meets every four years.
    • The Council of Administration– supervises its activities and studies regulatory, administrative, legislative and legal issues.
    • The Postal Operations Council– the technical and operational mind of the UPU
    • The International Bureau- provides logistical and technical support

Source: HT