Expanding Biosphere Footprint

In News

  • November 3 is the first ‘The International Day for Biosphere Reserves’, to be celebrated beginning 2022. 

More about The World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR)

  • About:
    • The UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR) was formed in 1971.
    • WNBR covers internationally designated protected areas, known as biosphere reserves, which are meant to demonstrate a balanced relationship between people and nature (e.g. encourage sustainable development).
      • They are created under the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB).
  • About the biosphere reserves:
    • All biosphere reserves are internationally recognised sites on land, at the coast, or in the oceans. 
    • There are 738 biosphere reserves in 134 countries, including 22 transboundary sites. They are distributed as follows:
      • 90 sites in 33 countries in Africa
      • 36 sites in 14 countries in the Arab States
      • 172 sites in 24 countries in Asia and the Pacific
      • 308 sites in 41 countries in Europe and North America
      • 132 sites in 22 countries Latin America and the Caribbean.
    • India has 12 internationally recognised BRs. They are as follows:
      • Nilgiri
      • Gulf of Mannar
      • Sunderban
      • Nanda Devi
      • Nokrek
      • Pachmarhi
      • Similipal
      • Achanakmar-Amarkantak
      • Great Nicobar
      • Agasthyamala
      • Khangchendzonga
      • Panna
  • Nomination & approval of biosphere reserves:
    • Governments alone decide which areas to nominate. 
    • Before approval by UNESCO, the sites are externally examined. 
    • If approved, they will be managed based on a plan, reinforced by credibility checks while remaining under the sovereignty of their national government.
  • Functions of Biosphere Reserves:
    • Biosphere Reserves involve local communities and all interested stakeholders in planning and management. They integrate three main “functions”:
    • Conservation of biodiversity and cultural diversity
    • Economic development that is socio-culturally and environmentally sustainable
    • Logistic support, underpinning development through research, monitoring, education and training.

Structure of Biosphere Reserve

  • They are demarcated into the following 3 interrelated zones:
  • Core Zone: 
    • Includes protected areas, as they act as reference points on the natural state of the ecosystems represented by the biosphere reserves. Have endemic species of plants & animals. 
    • A core zone is a protected region, like a National Park or Sanctuary/protected/regulated mostly under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. 
    • It is kept free from human interference.
  • Buffer Zone: 
    • The buffer zone surrounds the core zone and its activities are managed in this area in ways that help in the protection of the core zone in its natural condition.
    • It includes restoration, limited tourism, fishing, grazing, etc; which are permitted to reduce its effect on the core zone.
    • Research and educational activities are to be encouraged.
  • Transition Zone: 
    • It is the outermost part of the biosphere reserve. It is the zone of cooperation where human ventures and conservation are done in harmony.
    • It includes settlements, croplands, managed forests and areas for intensive recreation and other economic uses characteristics of the region.

Expansion of biosphere reserves

  • Biosphere reserves in Asia:
    • There are 12 BRs in India, four in Sri Lanka, and three in the Maldives.
    • Some of the countries in South Asia do not yet have any or enough biosphere reserves. 
      • Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal do not have biospheres as yet.
    • In most, if not all cases, the political will is certainly there, but there is a lack of know-how and financial resources. 
  • Need for expansion:
    • According to the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services released in 2019 by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the main global drivers of biodiversity loss are:
      • Climate change, 
      • Invasive species, 
      • Over-exploitation of natural resources, 
      • Pollution and 
      • Urbanisation.
    • The ecological carrying capacity of planet earth has largely been exceeded because of our collective excesses.
    • Therefore, the need was felt to address this trend with cleaner air, high-quality drinking water, and enough food and healthy habitats to ensure that ecosystem services continue to benefit humanity without critically affecting nature’s balance. 

Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) 

  • MAB is an intergovernmental scientific program, launched in 1971 by UNESCO.
  • Aim:
    • It aims to establish a scientific basis for the improvement of relationships between people and their environments.
  • The MAB program provides a unique platform for cooperation on research and development, capacity-building and networking to share information, knowledge and experience on three interlinked issues: 
    • Biodiversity loss, 
    • Climate change and 
    • Sustainable development.
  • The programme addresses challenges linked to scientific, environmental, societal and development issues in diverse ecosystems; from mountain regions to marine, coastal and island areas; from tropical forests to dry lands and urban areas

Way Ahead

  • The ‘South and Central Asia MAB Reserve’ Networking Meeting (where MAB stands Man and the Biosphere) is planned for 2023, to advance biosphere reserve establishment and management. 
  • In addition, an expert mission has been planned for spring 2023 — to Bhutan, India’s north-east and the Sundarbans in Bangladesh.
  • With at least one biosphere reserve per country in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal until 2025 (with additional biosphere reserves in India’s North-East and along the coasts) it will give realisation to millions of people that a better future is truly possible — one where we will truly live in harmony with nature.

Source: TH