The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 1


War causing immense human suffering: G20 declaration

(International Groupings)

What are highlights of the G20 Joint declaration? And know about G20 .

GS 3


At COP27  India and three others oppose ‘carbon border tax’


What is a Carbon Border Adjustment tax? What is driving the EU in that direction?stand of other countries in this context .


GS 2




This unseating of vice chancellors is faulty 

(Polity and Governance)

Know about recent judgments of the Supreme Court of India on the appointment of vice chancellors (VC) in State universities,repercussions  and oppositions and way ahead 

GS 2/3


Quest for transparency in FTA negotiations 

(International Relations/Economy)

What is a Free Trade Agreement? Updates on India’s FTAs,their impact on the economy and future prospects .

GS 2


Unknown sources of income spiked after electoral bond entry 

(Polity and Governance)

Know about Electoral Bond Scheme,features ,objectives ,issues and what lies ahead 

GS 3


Who should pay for climate damage?


Why is compensation against loss and damage due to changing weather events on the main agenda at COP27? What is the amount required to meet the world’s climate goals? Where does India stand when it comes to global greenhouse gas emissions?

GS 3


What is the Target level of retail inflation ?


How is the Reserve Bank of India(RBI) viewing recent trends in retail inflation ?Does a drop mark the beginning of a sustainable down trend in inflation figures ?

GS 2


India deploys new docks, upgrades speed boats for Pangong Tso patrol

(International Relations)

Know about Pangong Tso lake ,its relevance for India ,issues linked to it ,recent developments and way ahead

GS 3


Demonetisation was part steps to boost the formal economy


What is demonetisation? And its impacts on the economy 

GS 2


U.K. and India to launch a Young Professionals Exchange in 2023: Downing Street

(International Relations)

Know U.K.-India Young Professionals Scheme  2023

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