Great Knot

In News

A great knot from Russia has found its way to Kerala’s coast, flying over 9,000 km for a winter sojourn.

  • Great knots to be re-sighted in India among the nearly thousand ones tagged with MOSKVA rings in the Kamchatka peninsula in eastern Russia.

The migratory path of the Great Knot

About Great knot

  • Scientific Name: Calidris tenuirostris
  • It is a small wader. 
  • It is the largest of the calidris species 
  • Habitat: Grassland, Marine Neritic, Marine Intertidal, Marine Coastal/Supratidal.
    • This species breeds in northeast Siberia, Russia, wintering mainly in Australia, but also throughout the coastline of South-East Asia and on the coasts of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. 
  • Threats Information: Loss of intertidal stopover habitats in the Yellow Sea region is thought to be a key driver in the population declines of shorebirds 
    • It is also potentially threatened by climate change.
    • Recent evidence shows a very rapid population decline caused by the reclamation of non-breeding stopover grounds, and under the assumption that further proposed reclamation projects will cause additional declines in the future.
  • Protection Status: It is listed as an ‘endangered’ species by the IUCN.
    • It is listed in Appendix I of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals

Source: TH

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