World No Tobacco Day

In News

  • Each year, World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31st May to raise awareness about the harmful health impacts of smoking and motivate people to quit smoking.
    • The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2022 is “Protect The Environment”.

Tobacco Production & Consumption in India

  • India is the world’s second largest producer of tobacco, producing about 800 million kg annually.
  • About 6 million farmers and 20 million farm labourers work in tobacco farming across 15 States (Central Tobacco Research Institute)
  • Over 1.3 million deaths are attributable to tobacco use every year amounting to 3500 deaths per day, imposing a lot of avoidable socio-economic burden.
  • As per the WHO study titled “Economic Costs of Diseases and Deaths Attributable to Tobacco Use in India” it has been estimated that the economic burden of diseases and deaths attributable to tobacco use of tobacco in India was as high as Rs. 1.77 lakh crores, amounting to approx 1 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Consequences of  Tobacco Consumption

  • Health Effects:
    • Tobacco has physical impacts on almost every body part and their functions and increases the risk of cancers, heart diseases and other fertility and reproduction-related problems.
    • Smokers face a 40-50 percent higher risk of developing severe disease deaths from Covid-19.
    • Passive smoking or second-hand smoke threatens the health of those who do not smoke.
  • Environmental effects: According to the WHO
    • 600 million trees are chopped down annually to make cigarettes, 
    • 84 million tonnes of CO 2 emissions are released into the atmosphere, 
    • 22 billion liters of water are used to make cigarettes. 
    • Hazardous substances like arsenic, lead, nicotine and formaldehyde have been identified in cigarette butts, which leach into aquatic environments and soil.
    • Unlike cigarette butts, e-cigarette waste cannot biodegrade even under severe conditions. 
  • Negative Social consequences:
    • Tobacco use has negative social consequences as it affects social interactions and relationships negatively.
  • Financial Burden:
    • It adds to the financial burden as smokers burn through an average of USD 1.4 million in personal costs, including spending on cigarettes and associated medical costs.
  • Involvement of Child Labour and farmers’ exploitation:
    • The tobacco industry exploits farmers and children and deteriorates growers’ health as they are exposed to ill health by nicotine that is absorbed through the skin, as well as exposure to heavy pesticides and tobacco dust.

Global Reduction Efforts

  • Director General’s Special Recognition Awards:
    • Every year, WHO recognizes individuals or organizations in WHO Regions for their accomplishments in the area of tobacco control.
      • Indian Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has been conferred the award for his efforts to control tobacco consumption in India along with National legislation to ban e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, in 2019.
  • WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC):
    • It provides a strong, concerted response to the global tobacco epidemic and its enormous health, social, environmental and economic costs.
    • To help countries implement the WHO FCTC, WHO introduced the MPOWER technical package to support implementation of key strategies, such as raising tobacco taxes, creating smoke-free environments and offering help to quit.
    • FCTC’s measures to combat tobacco use include price and tax measures, large, graphic warnings on tobacco packages, 100 percent smoke-free public spaces, ban on tobacco marketing, etc.
  • Global Youth Tobacco Survey: 
    • It is a self-administered, school-based survey of students in grades associated with 13 to 15 years of age designed to enhance the capacity of countries to monitor tobacco use among youth and to guide the implementation and evaluation of tobacco prevention and control programs.
  • United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
    • It has both the WHO and the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC as leading participants, has crafted a Model policy for UN agencies on preventing tobacco industry interference, a strong policy to prevent industry tactics operating in the UN and then ensured its implementation at the intergovernmental level.
  • Firewall by WHO
    • In 2007, WHO established a firewall in 2007 to protect policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry.
  • The United Nations Global Compact followed suit, banning the tobacco industry from participation in 2017, flagging the problematic and irreconcilable conflicts between the goals of the UN and an industry that is responsible for more than 8 million deaths per year.
  • Other Steps
    • In 2008, the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution for Smoke-free United Nations Premises.
    • In 2012, the United Nations Economic and Social Council called for “system-wide coherence on tobacco control”.

Efforts taken in India

  • Cigarettes Act, 1975: 
    • Tobacco control legislation in India dates back to the Cigarettes Act, 1975 which mandates the display of statutory health warnings in advertisements and on cartons and cigarette packages.
  • Delhi Prohibition of Smoking and Non-Smokers Health Protection Act: 
    • It was passed in the Delhi assembly in 1997 and became the model for Central Legislation banning smoking in public places in 2002, on the directions of the Supreme Court.
  • Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade, Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act (COTPA) 2003:
    • The comprehensive tobacco control legislation aims to provide smoke-free public places and also places restrictions on tobacco advertising and promotion.
  • Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes Bill, 2019: 
    • It prohibits production, manufacture, import, export, transport, sale, distribution, storage and advertisement of e-cigarettes. 
  • Tobacco Quitline Services: 
    • These are toll-free quitline services available in 16 languages and other local dialects from 4 centres.
  • National Health Policy 2017: 
    • It sets an ambitious target of reducing tobacco use by 30 percent by 2025, which has been devised keeping in view the targets for control of NCDs.
  • Ratification of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).
  • National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP)
    • Launched by The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
    • Currently, the Programme is being implemented in all States/Union Territories covering over 600 districts across the country.
    • Objectives
      • To bring about greater awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and Tobacco Control Laws.
      • To facilitate effective implementation of the Tobacco Control Laws.
  • Tax on Tobacco:
    • Tobacco products fall in the highest GST slab of 28% as it attracts a heavy cess.
    • The total tax burden as a percentage of the final tax-inclusive retail price is about 52.7% for cigarettes, 22% for bidis and 63.8% for smokeless tobacco.
    • Recently the government set up a panel to prepare a comprehensive tax policy proposal covering all tobacco products from a public health perspective.

Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 

  • It is a global standard for systematically monitoring adult tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and tracking key tobacco control indicators.
  • GATS is a nationally representative household survey, using a consistent and standard protocol across countries.
  • It assists countries in the formulation, tracking and implementation of effective tobacco control interventions, and helps countries to compare the results of their survey with results from other countries. 
  • Recent findings of The second Global Adult Tobacco Survey:
    • It estimated that 28.6% of all adults in India used tobacco in 2016-2017, second only to China. 
    • It stated that 42.4% of men and 14.2% of women used tobacco — both the smokeless form, i.e. chewing tobacco, and smoked form, i.e. cigarettes and ‘bidis’.


Sin stocks

  • These are shares in companies involved in activities that are considered unethical, such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling, adult entertainment or weapons.
  • Ethical investors tend to exclude sin stocks, as the companies involved are thought to be making money from exploiting human weaknesses and vices. 
  • Sin industries pose increased litigation risk or reputation risk, for which investors are compensated with a risk premium.

Sin tax

  • It is mainly levied for public health purposes to discourage the consumption of harmful products by making them unaffordable
  • Under the current GST structure, some of the sin goods that attract an additional cess include tobacco products, aerated drinks and pan masala.

Way Forward

  • Educating potential consumers to not consume tobacco, supporting consumers in their journey to quit, and incentivising the industry to help consumers and the planet will protect not just our lungs, but also the air we breathe.
  • Finding alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers still remains one of the major issues in the tobacco industry.
  • To deal with the problem of deforestation associated with cigarette production, obtaining Market-based solutions like Carbon credits would be a sustainable alternative.
  • School-based awareness campaigns, Engaging youths, celebrities, and media influencers for the awareness is one of the options for achieving our goal of ending tobacco consumption in India.

Source: TH

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