The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2



Govt  reaches out to all  OIC members

(International Relations)

What is the rationale behind MEA’s decision to send heads of missions special memos on dealing with diplomatic fallout of comments by BJP leaders?How is it going to affect India’s relations with the OIC, and Gulf Cooperation Council ?And what lies ahead?

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Tamil Nadu tops food safety index

(Polity and Governance)

What is the State Food Safety Index (SFSI) ?and highlights of recent measurements .

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New rules allow ex ­officers to hold CDS post 



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The weight of the GST Council ruling 


Know about the Supreme Court’s ruling on GST ,why should the Supreme Court of India have to deliberate at length on the nature of recommendations of the GST Council?What has been the reaction to the SC judgement?What will be the impact of the SC verdict? And way ahead 

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The shadows over global growth recovery are long


What are the causes and consequences of prevailing uncertainties in global growth prospects in the last two years?why inflation has become a central concern?major contributors to high inflation,Impact on households,what are other macroeconomic factors impeding growth recovery?Why does the pace of policy tightening need to be attuned to prevailing economic situations and activity levels?importance of inflation stabilisation and what lies ahead ?

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Crime and copyright infringement 

(Polity and Governance)


Know about the Supreme Court of India’s judgement on  copyright infringement, immediate consequence of this judgement,legislation related to copyright infringement,India’s international law obligations under the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS),issues linked to them and what lies ahead ?


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Decoding China’s occupation 

(International Relations)

Why should India be particularly concerned about China’s construction activities on Pangong Tso?Other issues and disputes between both the countries ? and what lies ahead ?

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Of what good is a bad bank? 


What is a ‘bad bank’? What are the pros and cons of setting up a bad bank?Will a ‘bad bank’ help ease the bad loan crisis?Will it help revive credit flow in the


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Advisory Board on disability not reconstituted since 2020

(Polity and Governance)

Know about the Central Advisory Board (CAB),functions ,objectives ,issues and way ahead 


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World Bank cuts India’s FY23 GDP growth forecast to 7.5%


Know about the forecast of the World Bank for India’s economic growth for the current fiscal?

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