The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3



Services rule out rollback of Agnipath, reveal hiring plan

(Defence )

Know about Agnipath scheme ,its objectives ,significance and critically analysis the scheme 

GS 2


India has really helped us during this crisis, says Ranil

(International Relations )

How has India  helped Sri Lanka in its efforts to cope with the island’s economic crash? And its impacts on bilateral relations .

GS 3




The EPI may rankle but India can recast policies 


What are findings of  the latest Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ?India’s performance ,why has it become controversial?Government’s response in this context ,India’s national policy of achieving Net Zero and what more needs to be done ?

GS 2


Revisiting social justice under the Dravidian model 

(Polity and Governance )

What is the Dravidian socio-economic development model ?its impact  ,data  of the Backward Classes (BC) Commissions,the challenges before the Dravidian model of development and what lies ahead ?

GS 2




Recognising the ‘compulsory’ woman worker 

(Polity and Governance )

Know about the participation rate of rural women ,data of Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) , causes for concern ,government interventions and way ahead 

GS 3


Petty patents can boost R&D

(Science and Technology) 

Know about India’s rank in global innovation?potential, opportunity, and stakes in boosting the R&D culture?What can be done to boost the R&D activities of Indian enterprises?

GS 2


Indian interests at the WTO Ministerial Conference 

(International Relations )

What is the WTO’s Ministerial Conference?What were the debates around agriculture at the MC? What about fisheries related agreements? Have the current moratoriums on electronic transmissions been extended? What were the discussions on patent relaxations?

GS 3


Auctioning 5G spectrum bands 

(Science and Technology) 

What are the use cases of the new cellular technology? How is the roll-out being planned?What benefits are likely to come with 5G?When will the spectrum be auctioned?What are the key issues? and suggest ways to handle them.

GS 2


‘India, Bangladesh should work on river management

(International Relations )

What are key takeaways from the seventh round of the India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative Commission (JCC)? And present status of India-Bangladesh relations .


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