Jyotirgamaya Festival

In Context

  • On the occasion of World Music Day (21st June), the Union Minister of Culture has inaugurated Jyotirgamaya-A festival showcasing the talent of unsung performers.

Jyotirgamaya Festival

  • About:
    • The Festival is organised by the Sangeet Natak Akademi. It is a unique festival organised to showcase the talent of rare musical instruments from across the country, including street performers, train entertainers, performers attached to temples, etc.
  • Aim: 
    • To spread awareness about the need to protect the craft of making and the skill of playing rare musical instruments, and to provide a platform to ‘unheard’ artists.

Sangeet Natak Akademi 

  • It  was established in 1953 with the objective of preserving and promoting the vast intangible heritage of India’s diverse culture expressed in forms of music, dance and drama.
  • It is the apex body in the field of performing arts in the country
  • It is an autonomous body working under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture.
  • The Chairman of this is appointed by the President of India for a term of five years.
  • The registered office of the Akademi is at Rabindra Bhavan.
  • The Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards are the highest national recognition conferred to artists.

Source: AIR