Indian Express

Indian Express


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Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2



BJP asks Governor to direct Uddhav to take floor test

(Polity and Governance)


What is a Floor Test? And What are the Constitutional Provisions related to the Governor in calling for a Floor Test?

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After Prophet row, PM meets UAE President, both underline ties

(International Relations )


Know about India-United Arab Emirates (UAE) ties ,latest developments and future prospects 


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Pre-packaged food under GST, 12% tax on hotels with tariff up to Rs 1,000

Some Oppn states seek tweak in revenue sharing formula



What are the key takeaways from the 47th Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council meeting ?know about composition and functions of the GST council.

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Preparing for 5G

(Science and Technology )

What is 5G?What is the global progress on 5G?and how prepared is India to adapt to this tech?What steps need to be taken to unlock the full potential of India’s optical fibre industry and enable India to emerge as a major manufacturing and technology hub while achieving atma nirbharta in its 5G journey?


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Inevitability  of Agnipath


What are various efforts made by india for reforming and modernising its defence forces and command and control structures?compare it with other countries  and critically analyse the Agnipath scheme.


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Not a yesterdays club 

(International Relations )

What are the outcomes of the meeting of G7 leaders? And their expected repercussions .

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Jump in demand for NREGS: 2.6 cr families covered in May

(Welfare Schemes)

What are findings of  the recent analysis related to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MG-NREGS)?and know the MG-NREGS.

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Control rooms to enforce ban on single-use plastic: Minister

(Environmental Pollution and Degradation )

What is single-use plastic?What are the items being banned?How will the ban be enforced?How are other countries dealing with single-use plastic?


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Speaker’s powers in a rebellion

(Polity and Governance)

What are the Speaker’s powers under law, and how has the SC interpreted these?What does the Tenth Schedule say?


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Russia’s gold reserve and why G7 has moved to ban imports 


Partners in the Blue Pacific

(International Relations )

How much gold does Russia have?How would a gold ban work?What other measures have been made on gold trade?repercussions across the globe .


What is the Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP) initiative?How is China trying to transform its ties in the Pacific?What is being done by the US and its allies to counter China?Why is the Pacific region strategically important?

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Niti Aayog’s report on India’s gig economy:the takeaways 


How big is the workforce engaged in the gig economy?What were some of Niti Aayog’s observations?What are Niti Aayog’s recommendations for the gig economy?Why are Niti Aayog’s recommendations significant?

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What is Hermit, the Pegasus-like spyware that targeted Android, iOS devices?

(Science and Technology )

What is Hermit and what exactly does it do on a device?How did Hermit get deployed on Android and iOS devices?But how did they get past both Apple and Google’s security measures?What next? How can users keep themselves safe?

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