Lisbon Declaration

In News

  • Recently, all 198 members of the United Nations unanimously adopted the Lisbon Declaration on ocean conservation.

About Lisbon Declaration

  • Aim: is to follow science-based and innovative actions on an urgent basis. 
  • It sends a strong signal to urgently improve the health, sustainable use and resilience of the ocean.  
  • Need: It was recognised that developing countries, particularly small island developing states and least developed countries, need assistance with capacity building.
  • Participants at the conference also agreed to work on preventing, reducing and controlling marine pollution. It includes:
    • Nutrient pollution
    • Untreated wastewater
    •  Solid waste discharges
    • Hazardous substances
    • Emissions from the maritime sector, including shipping, shipwrecks
    • Anthropogenic underwater noise


  • Sustainable ocean-based economies: developing and promoting innovative financing solutions to help create sustainable ocean-based economies as well as expanding nature-based solutions to help conserve and preserve coastal communities.   
  • Restoring harmony with nature through a healthy, productive, sustainable and resilient ocean is critical for our planet, our lives and our future.  
