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Consultative Committee of Ministry of Civil Aviation discussed ‘DIGI YATRA’ project


  • It is a project conceived to achieve contactless, seamless processing of passengers at Airports, based on Facial Recognition Technology (FRT)
  • The project basically envisages that any traveller may pass through various checkpoints at the airport through a paperless and contactless processing, using facial features to establish the identity which would be linked to the boarding pass.
  •  The privacy issues have been taken care of in the system. 
  • It provides a decentralised mobile wallet-based identity management platform which is cost effective and addresses privacy/data protection issues in implementation of Digi Yatra. 
  • Proposal for first phase,
    • In the first phase, Digi Yatra is proposed to be rolled out at two Airports namely Varanasi and Bengaluru in August 2022 and at five Airports namely Pune, Vijayawada, Kolkata, Delhi and Hyderabad by March next year. 

Digi Yatra Foundation (DYF) 

  • It has been set up as a joint venture (JV) company in  2019 under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 whose shareholders are AAI (26% shares) and BIAL, DIAL, GHIAL, MIAL and CIAL. 
    • These 5 shareholders equally hold the remaining 74% of the shares. The Foundation was formed, with the objective of creating the Digi Yatra Central Ecosystem (DYCE). 
  • Digi Yatra Foundation will be a pan-India entity and the custodian of the Passenger ID validation process.  


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