The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2


SC calls for a panel to look into freebies issue


Union govt. rolls back Data Protection Bill

(Polity and Governance)

Know about Supreme Court’s recent observations on freebies, what are freebies?issues linked to them and ways to.handle.


What are major features of the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019?its objective , criticism and way ahead .

GS 2 


China steps up pressure on Taiwan

(International Relations)

How did the current round of tensions come about?Where does Taiwan stand in relation to China and the world?Implications of the rising tensions for India and way ahead .

GS 2


Teaching the Taliban the wrong lessons

(International Relations)


Know about Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, reactions of the international community,What are India’s key strategic interests in Afghanistan? future challenges , key analysis and way forward .

GS 3




Reaping the demographic dividend


What are key highlights of  World Population Prospects Report 2022?Challenges and opportunities of being the most populous country for India and future prospects.


GS 2


Bring back the dhow route

(International Relations)

Know about China’s interests in the Indian ocean ,its initiatives and development in Srilanka , concerns for Indian security, what steps need to be taken by India .

GS 2


GS 3 




Understanding the provisions for foreign visits of State government Ministers



Cabinet nod for climate pledges


Under which provisions are approvals required for foreign visits of State government Ministers?


Know about the Union Cabinet’s recent approval to  update  India’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and rationale behind the move .

GS 3


Advise States to enforce digital generation of DIN’



Know about the Supreme Court directions  to the Centre and the GST Council to issue an advisory to States regarding implementation of the system of electronic (digital) generation of a Document Identification Number (DIN) in indirect tax administration.

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