Novel Langya Henipavirus

In News 

  • Cases of a novel Langya henipavirus (LayV) have been reported in Shandong and Henan provinces of China.

What is Langya virus?

  • The newly discovered virus is a “phylogenetically distinct Henipavirus.
  • Nipah and Hendra virus also belong to the same genus, henipavirus, from the Paramyxoviridae family. 
    • Paramyxoviridae is a family of single-stranded Ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses that cause different types of viral infections.
  • The types of Henipaviruses that had been identified prior to this included Hendra, Nipah, Cedar, Mojiang and the Ghanaian bat virus. 
  • The Cedar virus, Ghanaian bat virus, and Mojiang virus are not known to cause human disease. But Hendra and Nipah infect humans and can cause fatal illness.
  • Discovery 
    • Langya was discovered in eastern China during surveillance testing of patients who had fever along with a recent history of animal exposure.
    •  It was identified and isolated from the throat swab sample of one of those patients. 
    • The disease may have been transmitted from shrews, small insectivorous mammals resembling a mouse
  • Transmission
    • The authors of the study have underlined that the sample size of their investigation is too small to determine human-to-human transmission. 


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