African ‘orphan’ Crop

In News

  • Recently, Researchers have identified genes in Africa’s local food crops that can improve resistance to drought.

About Orphan crops

  • Meaning:
    • Orphan crops are nutritious local food crops that could play a crucial role in combating hunger
    • These crops are not traded internationally but have adapted themselves to grow in harsh weather conditions
  • Crops:
    • Orphan crops like finger millets, little millet; African yam bean, jojoba and jatropha are commonly found in the continent.


  • Climate change 
    • It is a solution to growing concerns of climate change hampering crop productivity.
    • It had identified genes that were high temperature tolerant, had increased salinity adaptability and had low water requirements that provided essential nutrition.
  • Improve crop yield 
    • Incorporating these genes through hybridisation might improve crop yield that is affected by increasing global temperatures and heatwaves
  • Tackling Heatwaves 
    • Countries like India and Pakistan are also likely to be affected by the prolonged heat waves. 
  • Role of Africa
    • Africa is estimated to help meet 25 percent of the world population’s food needs by 2050.  

Source: DTE

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