Southern Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus (SRBSDV)

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Recently, the scientists at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) decoded the mystery disease which hit the paddy crop causing “dwarfing” of the plants.

Southern Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus (SRBSDV)

  • Origin:
    • Named after Southern China where it was first reported in 2001, was found to be the factor causing the disease.
    • The incidence of stunting was more pronounced in early sown paddy crops, irrespective of the variety. 
  • Impact: In severely infected rice fields, the infected plants showed withering. 
    • The height of the stunted plants showed reduction from 1/2 to 1/3rd than the normal plants. 
    • These plants had shallow roots and could be easily uprooted. 
    • These plants were observed in almost all the cultivated varieties in the farmer’s fields.
  • Transmission: 
    • The SRBSDV is transmitted by white-backed plant hopper (WBPH) in a persistent circulative and propagative manner.
    • In addition to rice, SRBSDV also infects different weed species as nymphs of WBPH can transmit the virus more efficiently as compared to adults. 
    • Long-distance transmission of this virus may occur through WBPH migrating with the typhoons and strong convection winds.
  • Precaution:
    • Since there was no corrective measure for the viral disease, farmers should regularly monitor the crop for the presence of WBPH and a few plants should be slightly tilted and tapped 2-3 times at the base at weekly intervals. 
    • If WBPH nymphs/adults are seen floating on water, then insecticides, including Pexalon 10 SC (triflumezopyrim) @ 94 ml/acre or Osheen/Token 20 SG (dinotefuran) @ 80 g/acre or Chess 50 WG (pymetrozine) @ 120 g/acre, can be sprayed towards the base of the plants.


Source: IE

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