Scheme for “Promotion of Bulk Drug Parks”

In News 

The Government of India has granted ‘in-principle’ approval for setting up three bulk drug parks, one each in Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh under the Scheme for “Promotion of Bulk Drug Parks.

About Scheme for “Promotion of Bulk Drug Parks”

  • It is a key initiative to support the Bulk Drugs manufacturing in the country.
  • It was notified in 2020 with a financial outlay of Rs 3,000 crore.
  • It provides financial assistance to three states for establishing Bulk Drug Parks .
  • The Bulk Drug Parks to be developed under the scheme will provide common infrastructure facilities at one place thereby creating a robust ecosystem for Bulk Drug manufacturing in the country and also reducing the manufacturing cost significantly.

Objective and Need 

  • It aims to bring down the cost of manufacturing of bulk drugs by creation of world-class common infrastructure facilities supported by the Central Government and thereby increase the competitiveness of the domestic bulk drug industry.
  • It aims to encourage domestic manufacturing of bulk drugs to reduce import dependence
  • It will also help the industry meet the standards of the environment at a reduced cost through innovative methods of the common waste management system and also to exploit the benefits arising due to optimization of resources and economies of scale.

Other interventions

  • Other interventions of the Department, in ensuring domestic manufacturing of Bulk Drugs, include, the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for domestic manufacturing of KSMs/ Drug Intermediates (DIs) and APIs. 

Do You Know ?

  • The Indian Pharmaceutical industry is the third largest in the world by volume. 
  • India exported pharmaceuticals worth Rs 175,040 crore in the financial year 2021-22, including Bulk Drugs/ Drug Intermediates. Also, India is one of the major producers of Active Pharma Ingredients (API) or bulk drugs in the world. India exported Bulk Drugs/ Drug Intermediates worth Rs 33,320 crore in the financial year 2021-22.
  • However, the country also imports various Bulk Drugs/ APIs for producing medicines from various countries. Most of the imports of the Bulk Drug/APIs being done in the country are because of economic considerations.
