Dugong Conservation Reserve

In News

  • Marine biologists have welcomed the Tamil Nadu government’s recent decision to go ahead with the establishment of a conservation reserve for the elusive dugong.


  • Location: Dugong conservation reserve would be established in the Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay between India and Sri Lanka.


  • Also called the Sea Cow.
  • In an interesting incident, Christopher Colombus mistook them as sea mermaids.
  • It is a herbivorous mammal
  • They live in groups, grazing on seagrass and coming to the surface to breathe.
  • LifeSpan: 70 Years or more
  • They are found in over 30 countries. (Not endemic to India)
  • In India, they are seen in the Gulf of Mannar, Gulf of Kutch, Palk Bay, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
    • Australia has the highest Dugong population due to coral reefs.
  • Conservation Status:
    • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Vulnerable 
    • CITES Appendix I
    • Wildlife Protection Act: Schedule 1
  • Threats:
    • The loss of seagrass habitats
    • Water pollution
    • Degradation of the coastal ecosystem due to developmental activities. 
    • Accidental entanglement in fishing nets and collision with boats, trawlers.
    • Poached for meat

Conservation Efforts

  • Dugong and Seagrass GrassConservation Project: By Global Economic Facility & UNEP for eight nations in the Indo-Pacific excluding India.
  • MoUs by UNEP & Conservation of Migratory Species.

Issues associated

  • Verge of extinction: It is definitely a late step because dugongs are on the verge of extinction.
  • In the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, their population is less than 100.
    • There are very few left in the Gulf of Mannar.
    • In the Gulf of Kutch, there are very few sporadic records.
  • They were present in Lakshadweep but now are locally extinct.
  • In the case of marine reserves, the sea is a type of commons.
    • And coastal communities are highly dependent on it.
    • By designating a protected marine area, we are literally denying the resources to such people.
  • The main cause of mortality for dugongs is accidental entanglement.
    • They are marine mammals and have to surface every four minutes to breathe.
    • Fishermen use gill nets and dugongs get trapped and killed in them unintentionally.
  • Very few people have been arrested, imprisoned or prosecuted for poaching dugongs.
    • The enforcement of the law needs to be strengthened if you want to conserve the species.


  • The proposed conservation area has the highest concentration of dugongs in the country.
  • We have already declared dugongs as a Schedule I animal under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
    • Legally, it is given the highest protection.
  • Declaring an area as ‘protected’ means there will be no human interference there.
    • There may be some tribal communities dependent on non-timber forest produce.

Suggestions/ Way Forward

  • Massive awareness is needed about the dugong as very few people know about them even in the Andamans where they are the state animal.
  • This could be done through incentive programmes: For instance, if a dugong gets captured and is released by fishermen, they get Rs 5,000 if they provide photo documentation of the act.
  • Fishing communities should also decide to shift to other sources of food rather than hunt dugongs for meat if they want their future generations to see dugongs.
  • The next step in dugong conservation is the preservation of the threatened seagrass ecosystem.
    • Ultimately, if there is no seagrass, dugongs will perish.

Source: DTE

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